Competitive Innovations in 10th: Codex Chaos pt.1

Another week in the exciting world of Warhammer 40K, and in theory an eventful one, what with a whole new Space Marines Codex being released. In recent history this has often resulted in a great upending of metagames, wailing, gnashing of teeth, things of this nature, but this time around it’s fair to say the initial impact is a bit more balanced – there are Marine lists out there, some doing very well and some pretty cool ones (shout out to the hero immediately racking up a 5-1 with a Thunderwolf Cavalry Stormlance list), but they haven’t immediately taken over, with the current top dogs of Chaos Space Marines and Aeldari continuing to dominate.

That doesn’t mean things are static mind – after last week’s Sororitas surge, this week it’s the turn of the Adeptus Mechanicus to put up some significantly improved results, alongside more powerful Ork finishes, a new spin on Grey Knights and a renewed surge from Daemons. Lots to talk about so let’s get into it.

Today I’ll be covering:

  • Frontline Gaming SoCal Open 2023 40K Championship (supermajor)
  • Battlefield Birmingham 21 (major)
  • Warzone: Three Taverns (major)
  • Gothic Games Canterbury October GT 2023
  • Rapid Fire GT 20

Lowest of Men will be taking the helm on Friday to look at:

  • Malmö Wargaming Weekend VII (major)
  • Dragon’s Lair Open (major)
  • Toronto Fall Open
  • Alba GT ’23
  • MonsterCon – Armageddon Edition
  • Autumn Donut Single GT 2023

This week’s Showdowns, as voted for by our beloved Patrons, are:

  • Dark Angels (Ironstorm Spearhead) vs. Chaos Space Marines at the Rapid Fire GT
  • Adeptus Mechanicus vs. Tyranids (Invasion Fleet) at the Alba GT

Let’s go!

Frontline Gaming SoCal Open 2023 40K Championship

190-player, 6-round Grand Tournament in Del Mar, CA, US on October 21 2023. All the lists for this event can be found in Best Coast Pairings.

Arthur Tu – Chaos Space Marines (Slaves to Darkness) – 1st Place

Credit: Robert “TheChirurgeon” Jones

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

War Bears (2000 Points)

Chaos Space Marines
Slaves to Darkness
Strike Force (2000 Points)


Chaos Lord (75 Points)
• Warlord
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
• 1x Daemon hammer
1x Plasma pistol

Dark Commune (55 Points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
• 1x Cult Demagogue
• 1x Autopistol
1x Commune stave
• 1x Mindwitch
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Warp Curse
• 1x Iconarch
• 1x Autopistol
1x Chaos Icon
1x Close combat weapon
• 2x Blessed Blade
• 2x Commune blade

Dark Commune (55 Points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
• 1x Cult Demagogue
• 1x Autopistol
1x Commune stave
• 1x Mindwitch
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Warp Curse
• 1x Iconarch
• 1x Autopistol
1x Chaos Icon
1x Close combat weapon
• 2x Blessed Blade
• 2x Commune blade

Master of Possession (80 Points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Rite of Possession
1x Staff of possession


Cultist Mob (55 Points)
• Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
• 1x Cultist Champion
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Cultist firearm
• 9x Chaos Cultist
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Close combat weapon
6x Close combat weapon
1x Close combat weapon
6x Cultist firearm
1x Cultist grenade launcher
1x Flamer
1x Heavy stubber

Cultist Mob (55 Points)
• Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch
• 1x Cultist Champion
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Cultist firearm
• 9x Chaos Cultist
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Close combat weapon
6x Close combat weapon
1x Close combat weapon
6x Cultist firearm
1x Cultist grenade launcher
1x Heavy stubber
1x Flamer


Chaos Rhino (75 Points)
• Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Combi-bolter
1x Combi-weapon
1x Havoc launcher

Chaos Rhino (75 Points)
• Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Combi-bolter
1x Combi-weapon
1x Havoc launcher

Chaos Rhino (75 Points)
• Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Combi-bolter
1x Combi-weapon
1x Havoc launcher


Accursed Cultists (190 Points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
• 10x Mutant
• 10x Blasphemous appendages
• 6x Torment
• 6x Hideous mutations

Accursed Cultists (190 Points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
• 10x Mutant
• 10x Blasphemous appendages
• 6x Torment
• 6x Hideous mutations

Chosen (220 Points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
• 1x Chosen Champion
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Boltgun
1x Chaos Icon
1x Power fist
• 9x Chosen
• 6x Accursed weapon
5x Bolt pistol
3x Boltgun
4x Combi-weapon
2x Paired accursed weapons
4x Plasma pistol
1x Power fist

Chosen (220 Points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
• 1x Chosen Champion
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Boltgun
1x Chaos Icon
1x Power fist
• 9x Chosen
• 6x Accursed weapon
5x Bolt pistol
3x Boltgun
4x Combi-weapon
2x Paired accursed weapons
4x Plasma pistol
1x Power fist

Noise Marines (85 Points)
• 1x Noise Champion
• 1x Chaos Icon
1x Close combat weapon
1x Doom siren
1x Power fist
1x Sonic blaster
• 4x Noise Marine
• 1x Blastmaster
4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
3x Sonic blaster

Noise Marines (85 Points)
• 1x Noise Champion
• 1x Chaos Icon
1x Close combat weapon
1x Doom siren
1x Power fist
1x Sonic blaster
• 4x Noise Marine
• 1x Blastmaster
4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
3x Sonic blaster

Obliterators (340 Points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
• 4x Obliterator
• 4x Crushing fists
4x Fleshmetal guns


Nurglings (35 Points)
• 3x Nurgling Swarm
• 3x Diseased claws and teeth

Nurglings (35 Points)
• 3x Nurgling Swarm
• 3x Diseased claws and teeth


Aggro CSM

Final Round Matchup

53 – 47 Victory against Mike McTyre – Blood Angels (Gladius Task Force).


With the departure of Custodes, Chaos Space Marines and Orks are left to vie over the title of “best at melee”, and currently Chaos Space Marines are narrowly winning. This list packs a massive number of Advance/Charge murder machines, allowing it to quickly roll over foes that can’t quickly thin the ranks. That’s far easier said than done, because Accursed Communes offer a massive amount of durability for the price, and act as a very binary stat check for opponents to try and overcome. If they can’t…things don’t look great, and while the Blood Angels (who had a powerful mixture of melee, shooting and horde clearance) put in a serious try, eventually the servants of the dark gods triumphed.

The other thing worth highlighting as a mainstay Chaos strength is how small a commitment they need to make to get premium-quality shooting – the incredible power of Profane Zeal means that even a single Undivided-marked Obliterator unit or Forgefiend can provide adequate support to an otherwise all-melee strategy. Well done to Arthur on the win!

James Carmona – Black Legion (Slaves to Darkness) – 2nd Place (Undefeated)

Credit: Robert “TheChirurgeon” Jones

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

CSM (2000 points)
Chaos Space Marines
Strike Force (2000 points)
Slaves to Darkness


Abaddon the Despoiler (310 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Drach’nyen
1x Talon of Horus

Dark Commune (55 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
• 1x Cult Demagogue
• 1x Autopistol
1x Commune stave
• 1x Mindwitch
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Warp Curse
• 1x Iconarch
• 1x Autopistol
1x Chaos Icon
1x Close combat weapon
• 2x Blessed Blade
• 2x Commune blade

Haarken Worldclaimer (90 points)
• 1x Helspear
1x Herald’s Talon


Cultist Mob (55 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch
• 1x Cultist Champion
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Cultist firearm
• 9x Chaos Cultist
• 6x Close combat weapon
1x Close combat weapon
1x Close combat weapon
1x Close combat weapon
6x Cultist firearm
1x Cultist grenade launcher
1x Flamer
1x Heavy stubber


Accursed Cultists (190 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
• 10x Mutant
• 10x Blasphemous appendages
• 6x Torment
• 6x Hideous mutations

Chaos Terminator Squad (195 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
• 1x Terminator Champion
• 1x Chainfist
1x Combi-weapon
• 4x Chaos Terminator
• 1x Accursed weapon
3x Combi-weapon
3x Power fist
1x Reaper autocannon

Forgefiend (180 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
• 1x Armoured limbs
2x Ectoplasma cannon
1x Ectoplasma cannon

Forgefiend (180 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
• 1x Armoured limbs
2x Ectoplasma cannon
1x Ectoplasma cannon

Helbrute (140 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Combi-bolter
1x Helbrute fist
1x Multi-melta

Noise Marines (85 points)
• 1x Noise Champion
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Doom siren
1x Power fist
1x Sonic blaster
• 4x Noise Marine
• 1x Blastmaster
4x Bolt pistol
1x Chaos Icon
4x Close combat weapon
3x Sonic blaster

Obliterators (340 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
• 4x Obliterator
• 4x Crushing fists
4x Fleshmetal guns

Raptors (180 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
• 1x Raptor Champion
• 1x Plasma pistol
1x Power fist
• 9x Raptor
• 5x Astartes chainsword
5x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
4x Meltagun

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Abaddon Gunline


More Chaos Space Marines in second place, showcasing the versitility of the Index in how much the army differs from the one in first. Some hits remain (Accursed Communes and Obliterators – pretty good!) but here we see Abaddon using his aura to buff up a wider range of shooting threats, plus an unusual additional melee threat in the Raptors with Haarken. They’re pretty attractively priced, and having Abaddon around definitely makes them more interesting, as being able to counter-charge with a 4+ Invulnerable Save up in a mirror match or against other pressure builds seems good. It’s clear that the Chaos Space Marine Index needs a little bit of tuning down, but it’s certainly throwing up a nice broad range of stuff, and congratulations to James for bringing some unique toys on the way to an undefeated second place.

Ruben Zhao – Blood Angels (Gladius Task Force) – 3rd Place (Undefeated)

Blood Angels Librarian Dreadnought. Credit: Colin Ward

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

White angels (2000 Points)

Space Marines
Blood Angels
Gladius Task Force
Strike Force (2000 Points)


Apothecary Biologis (85 Points)
• Warlord
• 1x Absolvor bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
• Enhancements: Fire Discipline

Techmarine (55 Points)
• 1x Forge bolter
1x Grav-pistol
1x Omnissian power axe
1x Servo-arm


Aggressor Squad (220 Points)
• 1x Aggressor Sergeant
• 1x Auto boltstorm gauntlets
1x Fragstorm grenade launcher
1x Twin power fists
• 5x Aggressor
• 5x Auto boltstorm gauntlets
5x Fragstorm grenade launcher
5x Twin power fists

Centurion Assault Squad (150 Points)
• 1x Assault Centurion Sergeant
• 1x Centurion bolters
1x Siege drills
1x Twin flamer
• 2x Assault Centurion
• 2x Centurion bolters
2x Siege drills
2x Twin flamer

Eradicator Squad (95 Points)
• 1x Eradicator Sergeant
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Melta rifle
• 2x Eradicator
• 2x Bolt pistol
2x Close combat weapon
1x Melta rifle
1x Multi-melta

Inceptor Squad (110 Points)
• 1x Inceptor Sergeant
• 1x Assault bolters
1x Close combat weapon
• 2x Inceptor
• 2x Assault bolters
2x Close combat weapon

Inceptor Squad (110 Points)
• 1x Inceptor Sergeant
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Plasma exterminators
• 2x Inceptor
• 2x Close combat weapon
2x Plasma exterminators

Incursor Squad (85 Points)
• 1x Incursor Sergeant
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Occulus bolt carbine
1x Paired combat blades
• 4x Incursor
• 4x Bolt pistol
1x Haywire Mine
4x Occulus bolt carbine
4x Paired combat blades

Infiltrator Squad (100 Points)
• 1x Infiltrator Sergeant
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Marksman bolt carbine
• 4x Infiltrator
• 4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
1x Helix Gauntlet
1x Infiltrator Comms Array
4x Marksman bolt carbine

Land Raider (240 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
2x Godhammer lascannon
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Multi-melta
1x Storm bolter
1x Twin heavy bolter

Librarian Dreadnought (170 Points)
• 1x Blood Lance
1x Furioso fist
1x Furioso force halberd
1x Meltagun

Repulsor Executioner (220 Points)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Heavy laser destroyer
1x Heavy onslaught gatling cannon
1x Icarus rocket pod
1x Ironhail heavy stubber
1x Repulsor Executioner defensive array
1x Twin Icarus ironhail heavy stubber
1x Twin heavy bolter

Scout Squad (55 Points)
• 1x Scout Sergeant
• 1x Astartes shotgun
1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
• 4x Scout
• 3x Astartes shotgun
4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
1x Heavy bolter

Storm Speeder Thunderstrike (160 Points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Stormfury missiles
1x Thunderstrike las-talon
1x Twin Icarus rocket pod

Whirlwind (145 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Storm bolter
1x Whirlwind vengeance launcher

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Gladius Goodstuff


Our first post-Marine Codex undefeated finish…doesn’t really do much with the new toys. We’ll see a bit more of that later, but here we’ve got the tried and tested Fire Discipline Aggressors, a Land Raider with some spicy stuff in it (here a trio of Assault Centurions), some more good shooting and lots of Phobos support. There’s one exciting unique trick (sporting a Librarian Dreadnought to teleport the Aggressors with Wings of Sanguinius, which yeah that whips), but we broadly know how this goes down. That doesn’t take away from the achievement here though – it’s great to see fancy red Marines going undefeated, and I like the unique tech piece that helped enable it, congratulations Ruben.

Alex Spathopoulos – Dark Angels (Unforgiven Task Force) – 4th Place

Deathwing Terminator Praetor
Deathwing Terminator Praetor. Credit: Jack Hunter

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

Hellblasters No transport (1995 Points)

Space Marines
Dark Angels
Unforgiven Task Force
Strike Force (2000 Points)


Ancient in Terminator Armour (85 Points)
• 1x Power fist
1x Storm bolter
• Enhancements: Pennant of Remembrance

Azrael (105 Points)
• Warlord
• 1x Lion’s Wrath
1x The Lion Helm
1x The Sword of Secrets

Lieutenant with Combi-weapon (95 Points)
• 1x Combi-weapon
1x Paired combat blades
• Enhancements: Shroud of Heroes


Deathwing Command Squad (420 Points)
• 1x Deathwing Ancient
• 1x Power fist
1x Storm bolter
• 1x Deathwing Apothecary
• 1x Chainfist
1x Storm bolter
• 1x Deathwing Champion
• 1x Halberd of Caliban
• 7x Deathwing Command Terminator
• 2x Cyclone missile launcher
2x Power fist
5x Storm Shield
2x Storm bolter
5x Thunder hammer

Hellblaster Squad (250 Points)
• 1x Hellblaster Sergeant
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Plasma incinerator
1x Plasma pistol
• 9x Hellblaster
• 9x Bolt pistol
9x Close combat weapon
9x Plasma incinerator

Inceptor Squad (110 Points)
• 1x Inceptor Sergeant
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Plasma exterminators
• 2x Inceptor
• 2x Close combat weapon
2x Plasma exterminators

Ravenwing Darkshroud (125 Points)
• 1x Assault cannon
1x Close combat weapon

Repulsor Executioner (220 Points)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Heavy laser destroyer
1x Heavy onslaught gatling cannon
1x Icarus rocket pod
1x Ironhail heavy stubber
1x Repulsor Executioner defensive array
1x Twin Icarus ironhail heavy stubber
1x Twin heavy bolter

Repulsor Executioner (220 Points)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Heavy laser destroyer
1x Heavy onslaught gatling cannon
1x Icarus rocket pod
1x Ironhail heavy stubber
1x Repulsor Executioner defensive array
1x Twin Icarus ironhail heavy stubber
1x Twin heavy bolter

Repulsor Executioner (220 Points)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Heavy laser destroyer
1x Heavy onslaught gatling cannon
1x Icarus rocket pod
1x Ironhail heavy stubber
1x Repulsor Executioner defensive array
1x Twin Icarus ironhail heavy stubber
1x Twin heavy bolter

Scout Squad (55 Points)
• 1x Scout Sergeant
• 1x Astartes chainsword
1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
• 4x Scout
• 3x Astartes shotgun
4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
1x Missile launcher


Callidus Assassin (90 Points)
• 1x Neural shredder
1x Phase sword and poison blades

Exported with App Version: v1.5.0 (20), Data Version: v283


Crunchy Dark Angels


More Marines in fourth place, here making use of some of the unique tricks that the Dark Angels bring to bear in their detachment, and skewing heavily towards durability. With more melee armies out there in the metagame, Unbreakable Lines becomes more of a real consideration, as does always having access to Intractable to pull out of combat. In addition, with wound re-rolls leaving Oaths, having access to Unforgiven Fury on Hellblasters to punch up into hefty targets gets a bit more appealing too. The wound re-roll problem is also addressed by the improved version of the Lieutenant with Combi-weapon, who can really help interdict a crucial objective.

This army takes serious output to meaningfully degrade, an ultra-durable centrepiece in the Deathwing block and has very high output in response to the enemies. All good stuff, and a fantastic Dark Angels showing, well done Alex.


The Best of the Rest

There were 16 more players on 5-1 records. They were:

  • 5th – Mike McTyre  – Blood Angels (GTF): Hull and melee Blood Angels – Vindicators, Gladiators and a Land Raider as crunch, Aggressors, Death Company and VanVets for aggro.
  • 6th – Ben Jurek  – Aeldari: Triple Spinner and Wraithguard.
  • 7th – Cooper Waddell  – Tyranids (Vanguard Onslaught): Speedy pressure Vanguard with lots of Genestealers and a pair of Flyrants.
  • 8th – Matthew Geyer  – Adeptus Mechanicus: Triple Breachers blocks and a bunch of Vanguard in Duneriders.
  • 9th – Junior Aflleje  – Leagues of Votann: General goodstuff with a bit of everything.
  • 10th= – Adam Dye  – Chaos Space Marines: Abaddon gunline with a bunch of Nurglings to screen.
  • 10th= – Benjamin Britt  – Blood Angels (Ironstorm Spearhead): Sanguine hull spam, adding Flamestorm Baal Predators and Death Company Dreads into the mix.
  • 12th – Keith Berry  – Adepta Sororitas: All-rounder Sisters with a couple of big Arco-Flagellant squads alongside the usual mix of guns, nuns and Warsuits.
  • 13th – Jordan Gledhill  – Chaos Daemons: An unusual spin on monster mash focusing on Soul Grinders and Keepers of Secrets.
  • 14th – Grant Kauffman – Death Guard: An odd hull spam list, taking a couple of Rhinos with just a Character in, lots of Daemon engines, and some War Dog Brigands.
  • 15th – Matthew Green  – Grey Knights: Terminator-heavy Grey Knights, with a big block each of Paladins and Brotherhood, plus two more Brotherhood units.
  • 16th – Andrew Dickinger  – Astra Militarum: Tank time, with a Banesword and a bunch of Leman Russes.
  • 17th – James Davis  – Ynnari: Go-wide Ynnari with Ravagers and Night Spinners.
  • 18th – Jeff Poole  – Chaos Space Marines: Abaddon gunline with two Accursed Communes as aggro pieces.
  • 19th – Tyler Russo  – Orks: Speedy-skewed Goodstuff with a bunch of mounted heroes and extra bikers.
  • 20th – Richard Kilton  – Orks: Trukk spam.

Battlefield Birmingham 21

68-player, 5-round Grand Tournament in England, GB on October 21 2023. All the lists for this event can be found in Best Coast Pairings.

Ritchie Balan – Orks (Waaagh! Tribe) – 1st Place

Credit: Tom Alexander

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

++ Army Roster (Xenos – Orks) [1,995pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Battle Size

Waaaagggghhh tribe

+ Epic Hero +

Ghazghkull Thraka [235pts]: Warlord

+ Character +

Warboss [65pts]: Power Klaw

Warboss [65pts]: Power Klaw

Warboss [65pts]: Power Klaw

+ Battleline +

Beast Snagga Boyz [105pts] . 9x Beast Snagga Boy: 9x Choppa, 9x Slugga

Beast Snagga Boyz [105pts] . 9x Beast Snagga Boy: 9x Choppa, 9x Slugga

Boyz [85pts] . Boss Nob
. . Power klaw and slugga
. 9x Boy w/ Slugga and choppa: 9x Choppa, 9x Slugga

Boyz [85pts] . Boss Nob
. . Power klaw and slugga
. 9x Boy w/ Slugga and choppa: 9x Choppa, 9x Slugga

Boyz [85pts] . Boss Nob
. . Power klaw and slugga
. 9x Boy w/ Slugga and choppa: 9x Choppa, 9x Slugga

+ Infantry +

Burna Boyz [120pts] . 8x Burna Boy: 8x Burna, 8x Cuttin’ flames
. 2x Spanner w/ Kustom mega-blasta: 2x Close combat weapon, 2x Kustom mega-blasta

Gretchin [40pts] . 10x Gretchin: 10x Close combat weapon, 10x Grot blasta
. Runtherd

Gretchin [40pts] . 10x Gretchin: 10x Close combat weapon, 10x Grot blasta
. Runtherd

Gretchin [40pts] . 10x Gretchin: 10x Close combat weapon, 10x Grot blasta
. Runtherd

Meganobz [60pts] . 2x Meganob w/ Kustom shoota and power klaw: 2x Kustom shoota, 2x Power klaw

Stormboyz [65pts] . Boss Nob: Power klaw
. 4x Stormboy: 4x Choppa, 4x Slugga

Stormboyz [65pts] . Boss Nob: Power klaw
. 4x Stormboy: 4x Choppa, 4x Slugga

+ Vehicle +

Battlewagon [185pts]: Tracks and wheels, ’Ard Case

Battlewagon [185pts]: Tracks and wheels, ’Ard Case

+ Dedicated Transport +

Trukk [60pts]: Wreckin’ ball

Trukk [60pts]: Wreckin’ ball

Trukk [60pts]: Wreckin’ ball

Trukk [60pts]: Wreckin’ ball

Trukk [60pts]: Wreckin’ ball

++ Total: [1,995pts] ++


Mech Orks

Final Round Matchup

95 – 80 Victory against Matt Bell – Grey Knights (Teleport Strike Force).


Is it complicated? No. Does it get the job done? Absolutely! Removing this many Trukks and wagons is really hard, making it quite likely that this army will strike the enemy in force, at which point only the most vicious killers are going to be able to pull themselves out. Some armies can certainly have a go, and I imaging running this up against the aggro Chaos Space Marine lists would create an utter bloodbath, but here no one was able to stand up to the might of the Waaagh. Congratulations to Ritchie.

Lee Smith – Chaos Space Marines (Slaves to Darkness) – 2nd Place (Undefeated)

Blackstone Fortress Black Legion Legionnaires by Crab-stuffed Mushrooms

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

The Eightfold Path (1995 points)
Chaos Space Marines
Strike Force (2000 points)
Slaves to Darkness


Abaddon the Despoiler (310 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Drach’nyen
1x Talon of Horus

Chaos Lord (75 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
• 1x Daemon hammer
1x Plasma pistol

Dark Commune (55 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
• 1x Cult Demagogue
• 1x Autopistol
1x Commune stave
• 1x Mindwitch
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Warp Curse
• 1x Iconarch
• 1x Autopistol
1x Chaos Icon
1x Close combat weapon
• 2x Blessed Blade
• 2x Commune blade


Cultist Mob (55 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
• 1x Cultist Champion
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Brutal assault weapon
• 9x Chaos Cultist
• 9x Close combat weapon
6x Cultist firearm
1x Cultist grenade launcher
1x Flamer
1x Heavy stubber

Legionaries (180 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
• 1x Aspiring Champion
• 1x Chaos Icon
1x Close combat weapon
1x Heavy melee weapon
1x Plasma pistol
• 9x Legionary
• 6x Astartes chainsword
9x Bolt pistol
9x Close combat weapon
1x Havoc autocannon
1x Heavy melee weapon
1x Lascannon


Accursed Cultists (190 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
• 10x Mutant
• 10x Blasphemous appendages
• 6x Torment
• 6x Hideous mutations

Chaos Bikers (85 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
• 1x Biker Champion
• 1x Chaos Icon
1x Close combat weapon
1x Combi-bolter
1x Plasma pistol
• 2x Chaos Biker
• 2x Astartes chainsword
2x Close combat weapon
2x Combi-bolter
2x Plasma gun

Chosen (220 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
• 1x Chosen Champion
• 1x Accursed weapon
1x Bolt pistol
1x Boltgun
1x Chaos Icon
• 9x Chosen
• 7x Accursed weapon
5x Bolt pistol
5x Boltgun
4x Combi-weapon
4x Plasma pistol
2x Power fist

Forgefiend (180 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided
• 1x Armoured limbs
2x Ectoplasma cannon
1x Ectoplasma cannon

Forgefiend (180 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
• 1x Armoured limbs
1x Ectoplasma cannon
2x Hades autocannon

Obliterators (170 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
• 2x Obliterator
• 2x Crushing fists
2x Fleshmetal guns

Obliterators (170 points)
• Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch
• 2x Obliterator
• 2x Crushing fists
2x Fleshmetal guns


Nurglings (35 points)
• 3x Nurgling Swarm
• 3x Diseased claws and teeth

The Changeling (90 points)
• 1x Infernal Flames
1x The Trickster’s Staff

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Chaos Space Marine Goodstuff


Hey speaking of Chaos Space Marines – this is more of a balanced build than a pure aggro one, but no less effective for it, and also sports the surprisingly nasty combo of Legionnaires with Abaddon. Turns out being able to essentially go full Oaths mode on something on an objective is pretty good, and having all marks makes the unit very flexible for use with Stratagems. I’ve seen this on the table and it’s pretty nasty, so definitely give it a go if you haven’t already – and great stuff from Lee putting it into practice and going undefeated.

Billy Sutter – T’au Empire (Kauyon) – 3rd Place

Tau Commander
Tau Commander. Credit: Jack Hunter

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

Tau (2000 points)
T’au Empire
Strike Force (2000 points)


Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit (125 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Battlesuit Support System
1x Battlesuit fists
2x Cyclic ion blaster
1x Cyclic ion blaster
2x Shield Drone
• Enhancement: Exemplar of the Kauyon

Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit (110 points)
• 1x Battlesuit Support System
1x Battlesuit fists
2x Cyclic ion blaster
1x Cyclic ion blaster
2x Shield Drone

Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit (130 points)
• 1x Battlesuit fists
1x Marker Drone
1x Plasma rifle
3x Plasma rifle
1x Shield Drone
• Enhancement: Precision of the Patient Hunter


Broadside Battlesuits (90 points)
• 1x Crushing bulk
1x Heavy rail rifle
2x Missile Drone
1x Seeker missile
1x Twin plasma rifle

Broadside Battlesuits (90 points)
• 1x Crushing bulk
1x Heavy rail rifle
2x Missile Drone
1x Seeker missile
1x Twin plasma rifle

Broadside Battlesuits (90 points)
• 1x Crushing bulk
1x Heavy rail rifle
2x Missile Drone
1x Seeker missile
1x Twin smart missile system

Crisis Battlesuits (360 points)
• 1x Crisis Shas’vre
• 1x Airbursting fragmentation projector
1x Battlesuit fists
2x Cyclic ion blaster
1x Marker Drone
1x Shield Drone
1x Shield Generator
• 5x Crisis Shas’ui
• 5x Battlesuit fists
5x Cyclic ion blaster
10x Cyclic ion blaster
10x Shield Drone
4x Shield Generator

Crisis Battlesuits (180 points)
• 1x Crisis Shas’vre
• 1x Battlesuit fists
1x Plasma rifle
2x Plasma rifle
2x Shield Drone
1x Shield Generator
• 2x Crisis Shas’ui
• 2x Battlesuit fists
1x Plasma rifle
4x Plasma rifle
4x Shield Drone
2x Shield Generator
1x Airbursting fragmentation projector

Crisis Battlesuits (180 points)
• 1x Crisis Shas’vre
• 1x Battlesuit fists
1x Cyclic ion blaster
2x Cyclic ion blaster
2x Shield Drone
1x Shield Generator
• 2x Crisis Shas’ui
• 2x Battlesuit fists
2x Cyclic ion blaster
4x Cyclic ion blaster
4x Shield Drone
2x Shield Generator

Ghostkeel Battlesuit (160 points)
• 1x Battlesuit Support System
1x Cyclic ion raker
1x Ghostkeel fists
1x Twin fusion blaster

Ghostkeel Battlesuit (160 points)
• 1x Battlesuit Support System
1x Cyclic ion raker
1x Ghostkeel fists
1x Twin fusion blaster

Piranha (55 points)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Piranha fusion blaster
2x Seeker missile
2x Twin pulse carbine

Piranha (55 points)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Piranha fusion blaster
2x Seeker missile
2x Twin pulse carbine

Piranha (55 points)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Piranha fusion blaster
2x Seeker missile
2x Twin pulse carbine

Tetras (80 points)
• 2x Tetra
• 2x Close combat weapons
4x Pulse rifle

Tetras (80 points)
• 2x Tetra
• 2x Close combat weapons
4x Pulse rifle

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Suit Spam


The gun show next, with another relatively uncomplicated but very effective build, packing tonnes of durable, speedy shooting to blow opponents away. There’s one cute and unusual choice in the Plasma-armed Crisis Team, presumably intended to help lift Marines without having to lose a bunch of models to Hazardous, but otherwise we know the drill here. Good stuff from Billy.

Matt Bell – Grey Knights (Teleport Strike Force) – 4th Place

Brotherhood Librarian. Credit: Corrode

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

Short Kings & Goateaz (1995 points)
Grey Knights
Strike Force (2000 points)
Teleport Strike Force


Brother-Captain (105 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Nemesis force weapon
1x Psycannon
• Enhancement: Inescapable Wrath

Brotherhood Librarian (135 points)
• 1x Nemesis force weapon
1x Purge Soul
• Enhancement: First to the Fray

Brotherhood Librarian (130 points)
• 1x Nemesis force weapon
1x Purge Soul
• Enhancement: Sigil of Exigence

Castellan Crowe (75 points)
• 1x Black Blade of Antwyr
1x Purifying Flame
1x Storm bolter


Brotherhood Terminator Squad (210 points)
• 1x Terminator Justicar
• 1x Nemesis force weapon
1x Storm bolter
• 4x Brotherhood Terminator
• 1x Ancient’s Banner
1x Incinerator
1x Narthecium
4x Nemesis force weapon
2x Storm bolter

Brotherhood Terminator Squad (210 points)
• 1x Terminator Justicar
• 1x Nemesis force weapon
1x Storm bolter
• 4x Brotherhood Terminator
• 1x Ancient’s Banner
1x Incinerator
1x Narthecium
4x Nemesis force weapon
2x Storm bolter

Strike Squad (125 points)
• 1x Justicar
• 1x Nemesis force weapon
1x Storm bolter
• 4x Grey Knight
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Incinerator
3x Nemesis force weapon
3x Storm bolter


Interceptor Squad (135 points)
• 1x Interceptor Justicar
• 1x Nemesis force weapon
1x Storm bolter
• 4x Interceptor
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Incinerator
3x Nemesis force weapon
3x Storm bolter

Interceptor Squad (135 points)
• 1x Interceptor Justicar
• 1x Nemesis force weapon
1x Storm bolter
• 4x Interceptor
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Incinerator
3x Nemesis force weapon
3x Storm bolter

Paladin Squad (225 points)
• 1x Paragon
• 1x Nemesis force weapon
1x Storm bolter
• 3x Paladin
• 3x Nemesis force weapon
2x Psycannon
1x Storm bolter
• 1x Paladin Ancient
• 1x Ancient’s Banner
1x Nemesis force weapon
1x Psycannon

Purgation Squad (135 points)
• 1x Purgator Justicar
• 1x Nemesis force weapon
1x Storm bolter
• 4x Purgator
• 4x Close combat weapon
4x Incinerator

Purifier Squad (260 points)
• 1x Knight of the Flame
• 1x Nemesis force weapon
1x Purifying Flame
1x Storm bolter
• 9x Purifier
• 4x Close combat weapon
4x Incinerator
5x Nemesis force weapon
9x Purifying Flame
5x Storm bolter


Inquisitor Coteaz (75 points)
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Nemesis daemon hammer
1x Psychic Blast

Inquisitorial Henchmen (40 points)
• 4x Inquisitorial Acolyte
• 4x Acolyte firearm
4x Acolyte melee weapon
1x Eviscerator
1x Plasma pistol


Go-wide Grey Knights


Something new in fourth here (and fifth too as it happens), go-wide Grey Knights. Lots of small units able to zap around the board and control the table, good Mortal output from the Librarians relatively durable all-round, and with the one nasty full Purifier/Crowe brick. Definitely a fan of seeding Coteaz into a Brotherhood Terminator unit as well, his shooting can be really nasty, so having him in a unit that’s mobile and tough is excellent (as is providing CP if the enemy has brought their own farm). I figure the rise of brawler/Goodstuff Ork and Chaos Space Marine builds is probably why this army is popping up now – it can play very effectively against those thanks to its mobility and every unit having a decent amount of punch. It even put up a good fight against the overwhelming armoued might of the winning Ork build in the final, which many armies will get completely rolled by. Definitely looks like this is a new strategy worth exploring, good stuff from Matt leading the way.

The Best of the Rest

There were 9 more players on 4-1 records. They were:

  • 5th – Ed Watts  – Grey Knights: Go-wide Grey Knights with lots of small units and the full Crowe Purifier brick.
  • 6th – Billy Guest – Orks: Trukk Spam with some Grot Tanks and Kommandos joining the charge.
  • 7th – John Spence – Death Guard: Infantry and Character-heavy Death Guard with lots of Plague Marines.
  • 8th – Dan Bates  – Aeldari: Extra go-wide Aeldari with some Scorpions and Karandras in a Serpent as a unique flourish.
  • 9th – Adam Ryland – Chaos Space Marines: Goodstuff brawler Chaos Space Marines with Chosen in Rhinos and Warp Talons for melee and the Obliterator/Forgefiend setup for dakka.
  • 10th – Ryan Garrett – Asuryani: Double Avatar.
  • 11th – Charles Gould  – Leagues of Votann: Hearthguard spam, 25 of the diminuative killers.
  • 12th – Luke Quadling  – Ynnari: Spinners and Wraithguard with some Drukhari Scourges as backup.
  • 13th – Mark Underhill  – Grey Knights: Three big Terminator blocks and change.

Warzone: Three Taverns

58-player, 6-round Grand Tournament in Decatur, GA, US on October 21 2023. All the lists for this event can be found in Best Coast Pairings.

TJ Spaeth – Adeptus Astartes (Ironstorm Spearhead) – 1st Place

Blood Ravens Invictor Warsuit. Credit: Scott White

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

Black Templar Ironstorm (2000 Points)

Space Marines
Black Templars
Ironstorm Spearhead
Strike Force (2000 Points)


Techmarine (95 Points)
• Warlord
• 1x Forge bolter
1x Grav-pistol
1x Omnissian power axe
1x Servo-arm
• Enhancements: Target Augury Web (Aura)

Techmarine (80 Points)
• 1x Forge bolter
1x Grav-pistol
1x Omnissian power axe
1x Servo-arm
• Enhancements: Adept of the Omnissiah


Crusader Squad (65 Points)
• 1x Sword Brother
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Grav-pistol
1x Power fist
• 4x Initiate
• 2x Astartes chainsword
4x Bolt Pistol
4x Close combat weapon
1x Meltagun
1x Multi-melta

Crusader Squad (65 Points)
• 1x Sword Brother
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Grav-pistol
1x Power fist
• 4x Initiate
• 2x Astartes chainsword
4x Bolt Pistol
4x Close combat weapon
1x Lascannon
1x Meltagun

Crusader Squad (65 Points)
• 1x Sword Brother
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Grav-pistol
1x Power fist
• 4x Initiate
• 2x Astartes chainsword
4x Bolt Pistol
4x Close combat weapon
1x Lascannon
1x Meltagun

Crusader Squad (65 Points)
• 1x Sword Brother
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Grav-pistol
1x Power fist
• 4x Initiate
• 2x Astartes chainsword
4x Bolt Pistol
4x Close combat weapon
1x Lascannon
1x Meltagun

Crusader Squad (65 Points)
• 1x Sword Brother
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Grav-pistol
1x Power fist
• 4x Initiate
• 2x Astartes chainsword
4x Bolt Pistol
4x Close combat weapon
1x Lascannon
1x Meltagun


Ballistus Dreadnought (140 Points)
• 1x Armoured feet
1x Ballistus lascannon
1x Ballistus missile launcher
1x Twin storm bolter

Black Templars Gladiator Lancer (165 Points)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Icarus rocket pod
1x Lancer laser destroyer
1x Multi-melta
2x Storm bolter

Black Templars Gladiator Lancer (165 Points)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Icarus rocket pod
1x Lancer laser destroyer
1x Multi-melta
2x Storm bolter

Black Templars Gladiator Reaper (155 Points)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Icarus rocket pod
1x Multi-melta
2x Tempest bolter
1x Twin heavy onslaught gatling cannon

Black Templars Gladiator Reaper (155 Points)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Icarus rocket pod
1x Multi-melta
2x Tempest bolter
1x Twin heavy onslaught gatling cannon

Invictor Tactical Warsuit (140 Points)
• 1x Fragstorm grenade launcher
1x Heavy bolter
1x Incendium cannon
1x Invictor fist
1x Twin ironhail heavy stubber

Redemptor Dreadnought (200 Points)
• 1x Heavy flamer
1x Icarus rocket pod
1x Macro plasma incinerator
1x Redemptor fist
1x Twin fragstorm grenade launcher

Scout Squad (55 Points)
• 1x Scout Sergeant
• 1x Astartes shotgun
1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
• 4x Scout
• 4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
2x Combat knife
1x Missile launcher
1x Scout sniper rifle

Storm Speeder Thunderstrike (160 Points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Stormfury missiles
1x Thunderstrike las-talon
1x Twin Icarus rocket pod


Callidus Assassin (90 Points)
• 1x Neural shredder
1x Phase sword and poison blades

Eversor Assassin (75 Points)
• 1x Executioner pistol
1x Power sword and neuro gauntlet

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Ironstorm Spearhead Templars

Final Round Matchup

69 – 53 Victory against Chris Dailey – Astra Militarum (Combined Regiment).


Aha, here’s our first use of the new Marine Detachments, and it is naturally the Iron Hands one. Some things never change. Hull-heavy builds are hard to shift (especially with a floating damage no-sell from Adept of the Omnissiah), lots of re-rolls and  Lethal Hits make them super reliable for taking the enemy down, and running as Templars makes a lot of sense. Extra multi-meltas on many of the hulls maximises the chance of getting full value from the re-rolls on each unit, and Crusaders provide the best cheap Battleline to support the tanks that Marines have access to. Big fan of the singleton Warsuit, presumably intended to switch on Ancient Fury, go on an early rampage, then die messily with Vengeful Animus. Shame they don’t still go up for d6 Mortals, but still a nice touch to help sow some early chaos to buy the tanks time to do their work. congratulations to TJ on an inaugural event win for a new book.

Ryan Shaw – Astra Militarum (Combined Regiment) – 2nd Place

Rogal Dorn Battle Tank. Credit: Scott Horras “Heresy”

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

Infantry is for scrubs (2000 Points)

Astra Militarum
Combined Regiment
Strike Force (2000 Points)


Gaunt’s Ghosts (100 Points)
• 1x Ibram Gaunt
• 1x Bolt Pistol
1x Gaunt’s chainsword
• 1x Colm Corbec
• 1x Corbec’s hot-shot lascarbine
1x Straight silver knife
• 1x Elim Rawne
• 1x Rawne’s lascarbine
1x Straight silver knife
• 1x Hlaine Larkin
• 1x Larkin’s long-las
1x Straight silver knife
• 1x ’Try Again’ Bragg
• 1x Bragg’s autocannon
1x Straight silver knife
• 1x Oan Mkoll
• 1x Lascarbine
1x Mkoll’s straight silver knife

Lord Solar Leontus (125 Points)
• Warlord
• 1x Conquest
1x Konstantin’s hooves
1x Sol’s Righteous Gaze

Tank Commander (205 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Demolisher battle cannon
1x Heavy stubber
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Lascannon
2x Militarum plasma cannon

Tank Commander (205 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Executioner plasma cannon
1x Heavy stubber
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Lascannon
2x Militarum plasma cannon

Tank Commander (205 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Executioner plasma cannon
1x Heavy stubber
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Lascannon
2x Militarum plasma cannon


Catachan Jungle Fighters (55 Points)
• 1x Jungle Fighter Sergeant
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Laspistol
• 9x Jungle Fighter
• 9x Close combat weapon
2x Flamer
7x Lasgun
1x Vox-caster

Catachan Jungle Fighters (55 Points)
• 1x Jungle Fighter Sergeant
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Laspistol
• 9x Jungle Fighter
• 9x Close combat weapon
2x Flamer
7x Lasgun
1x Vox-caster


Chimera (70 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Chimera heavy flamer
1x Heavy flamer
1x Heavy stubber
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Lasgun array

Chimera (70 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Chimera heavy flamer
1x Heavy flamer
1x Heavy stubber
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Lasgun array


Basilisk (135 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Earthshaker cannon
1x Heavy bolter
1x Hunter-killer missile

Basilisk (135 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Earthshaker cannon
1x Heavy bolter
1x Hunter-killer missile

Bullgryn Squad (160 Points)
• 1x Bullgryn Bone ’ead
• 1x Bullgryn maul
1x Close combat weapon
1x Slabshield
• 5x Bullgryn
• 3x Brute Shield
5x Bullgryn maul
5x Close combat weapon
2x Slabshield

Leman Russ Eradicator (160 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Eradicator nova cannon
1x Heavy stubber
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Lascannon
2x Plasma cannon

Rogal Dorn Battle Tank (260 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Co-axial autocannon
1x Heavy stubber
2x Meltagun
2x Multi-melta
1x Oppressor cannon
1x Pulveriser cannon

Scout Sentinels (60 Points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Lascannon
1x Sentinel chainsaw


Tanks Galore


Another build heavy on hulls and guns, though a little more complex than its title might indicate, packing Bullgryn as a core tarpit, and the unusual choice of Catachan Jungle Fighters. Honestly? They seem pretty neat – Scouts applying to a Transport you’re in means they get some extra screening reach out the gate, vital to protect all those clunky tanks in a list like this, and Firing Deck 2 is perfect for getting some value out of the two flamers they get. Nice unique touch to spice up the build, and a strong second place.

Steven Tosky – World Eaters (Berzerker Warband) – 3rd Place

Daemon Prince Credit: Swiftblade

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

The Boss Squad (1990 Points)

World Eaters
Berzerker Warband
Strike Force (2000 Points)


Angron (415 Points)
• Warlord
• 1x Samni’arius and Spinegrinder

World Eaters Daemon Prince (225 Points)
• 1x Hellforged weapons
1x Infernal cannon
• Enhancements: Helm of Brazen Ire

World Eaters Daemon Prince (230 Points)
• 1x Hellforged weapons
1x Infernal cannon
• Enhancements: Favoured of Khorne


Jakhals (70 Points)
• 1x Jakhal Pack Leader
• 1x Autopistol
1x Jakhal chainblades
• 1x Dishonoured
• 1x Skullsmasher
• 8x Jakhal
• 8x Autopistol
1x Icon of Khorne
7x Jakhal chainblades
1x Mauler chainblade

Jakhals (70 Points)
• 1x Jakhal Pack Leader
• 1x Autopistol
1x Jakhal chainblades
• 1x Dishonoured
• 1x Skullsmasher
• 8x Jakhal
• 8x Autopistol
1x Icon of Khorne
7x Jakhal chainblades
1x Mauler chainblade

Jakhals (70 Points)
• 1x Jakhal Pack Leader
• 1x Autopistol
1x Jakhal chainblades
• 1x Dishonoured
• 1x Skullsmasher
• 8x Jakhal
• 8x Autopistol
1x Icon of Khorne
7x Jakhal chainblades
1x Mauler chainblade

Jakhals (70 Points)
• 1x Jakhal Pack Leader
• 1x Autopistol
1x Jakhal chainblades
• 1x Dishonoured
• 1x Skullsmasher
• 8x Jakhal
• 8x Autopistol
1x Icon of Khorne
7x Jakhal chainblades
1x Mauler chainblade

Jakhals (70 Points)
• 1x Jakhal Pack Leader
• 1x Autopistol
1x Jakhal chainblades
• 1x Dishonoured
• 1x Skullsmasher
• 8x Jakhal
• 8x Autopistol
1x Icon of Khorne
7x Jakhal chainblades
1x Mauler chainblade


World Eaters Predator Destructor (130 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Combi-bolter
1x Havoc launcher
2x Lascannon
1x Predator autocannon

World Eaters Predator Destructor (130 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Combi-bolter
1x Havoc launcher
2x Lascannon
1x Predator autocannon

World Eaters Predator Destructor (130 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Combi-bolter
1x Havoc launcher
2x Lascannon
1x Predator autocannon

World Eaters Terminator Squad (190 Points)
• 1x World Eaters Terminator Champion
• 1x Chainfist
1x Combi-bolter
• 4x World Eaters Terminator
• 1x Accursed Weapon
3x Combi-bolter
3x Power fist
1x Reaper autocannon

World Eaters Terminator Squad (190 Points)
• 1x World Eaters Terminator Champion
• 1x Chainfist
1x Combi-bolter
• 4x World Eaters Terminator
• 1x Accursed Weapon
3x Combi-bolter
3x Power fist
1x Reaper autocannon

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Crunch-skewed World Eaters


An unusual build here with a deeply suspicious number of guns. Not sure Khorne is into that sort of thing, but apparently he deigned to allow it. The Daemon Princes are definitely pretty nasty riding shotgun with Angron, and having two of them here also makes the Jakhals really good, because a 4+ Invulnerable Save removes their key weakness. They provide a valuable skirmish screen that can take a good chunk out of any enemy that gets too close. The Daemon Princes, Terminators and Angron can then roll over anything that gets tangled up with them, and the Predator Destructors provide a nice clip of damage while the enemy works out how to navigate all that. Pleasingly unique, and really cool to see, great stuff from Steven.

Chris Dailey – Astra Militarum (Combined Regiment) – 4th Place

Lord Solar. Credit: Rockfish
Lord Solar. Credit: Rockfish

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

Spikey Guard (2000 points)
Astra Militarum
Strike Force (2000 points)
Combined Regiment


Gaunt’s Ghosts (100 points)
• 1x Ibram Gaunt
• 1x Bolt Pistol
1x Gaunt’s chainsword
• 1x Colm Corbec
• 1x Corbec’s hot-shot lascarbine
1x Straight silver knife
• 1x Elim Rawne
• 1x Rawne’s lascarbine
1x Straight silver knife
• 1x Hlaine Larkin
• 1x Larkin’s long-las
1x Straight silver knife
• 1x ’Try Again’ Bragg
• 1x Bragg’s autocannon
1x Straight silver knife
• 1x Oan Mkoll
• 1x Lascarbine
1x Mkoll’s straight silver knife

Lord Solar Leontus (125 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Conquest
1x Konstantin’s hooves
1x Sol’s Righteous Gaze

Platoon Command Squad (60 points)
• 1x Platoon Commander
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Plasma pistol
1x Power weapon
• 4x Veteran Guardsman
• 4x Close combat weapon
3x Lasgun
4x Laspistol
1x Master Vox
1x Medi-pack
1x Plasma gun
1x Regimental Standard

Tank Commander (205 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Demolisher battle cannon
1x Heavy stubber
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Lascannon
2x Multi-melta

Tank Commander (205 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Demolisher battle cannon
1x Heavy stubber
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Lascannon
2x Multi-melta


Catachan Jungle Fighters (55 points)
• 1x Jungle Fighter Sergeant
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Laspistol
• 9x Jungle Fighter
• 9x Close combat weapon
2x Flamer
7x Lasgun
1x Vox-caster

Catachan Jungle Fighters (55 points)
• 1x Jungle Fighter Sergeant
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Laspistol
• 9x Jungle Fighter
• 9x Close combat weapon
2x Flamer
7x Lasgun
1x Vox-caster

Infantry Squad (60 points)
• 1x Sergeant
• 1x Plasma pistol
1x Power weapon
• 7x Guardsman
• 7x Close combat weapon
6x Lasgun
1x Plasma gun
1x Vox-caster
• 1x Heavy Weapons Team
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Laspistol
1x Mortar


Chimera (70 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Chimera heavy flamer
1x Heavy flamer
1x Heavy stubber
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Lasgun array

Chimera (70 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Chimera heavy flamer
1x Heavy flamer
1x Heavy stubber
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Lasgun array


Bullgryn Squad (160 points)
• 1x Bullgryn Bone ’ead
• 1x Brute Shield
1x Bullgryn maul
1x Close combat weapon
• 5x Bullgryn
• 5x Brute Shield
5x Bullgryn maul
5x Close combat weapon

Leman Russ Demolisher (200 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Demolisher battle cannon
1x Heavy stubber
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Lascannon
2x Multi-melta

Leman Russ Eradicator (160 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Eradicator nova cannon
1x Heavy stubber
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Lascannon
2x Multi-melta

Rapier Laser Destroyer Battery (35 points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Laser destroyer

Rogal Dorn Battle Tank (260 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Co-axial autocannon
1x Heavy stubber
2x Meltagun
2x Multi-melta
1x Oppressor cannon
1x Pulveriser cannon

Scout Sentinels (60 points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Lascannon
1x Sentinel chainsaw

Scout Sentinels (60 points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Lascannon
1x Sentinel chainsaw

Scout Sentinels (60 points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Lascannon
1x Sentinel chainsaw

Exported with App Version: v1.5.0 (26), Data Version: v283


Guard and Guns


More Tanks, Bullgryn and screening here, this time with a little more infantry and variety. Smae basic plan as a lot of the lists here though – great speed bumps with great guns behind them – and opponents will quake. Congratulation to Chris.

The Best of the Rest

There were 3 more players on 5-1 records. They were:

  • 5th – Joe MacMillan  – Chaos Space Marines: Brawler goodstuff with some Plague Marines as a unique touch.
  • 6th – Spencer Feuerstein – Chaos Knights: Max aggro Rampager/Dogs.
  • 7th – Noah Neundorfer  – Death Guard: Infantry spam, going for three big Plague Marine units and two large Terminator squads.

Gothic Games Canterbury October GT 2023

32-player, 5-round Grand Tournament in England, United Kingdom on October 21 2023. All the lists for this event can be found in Best Coast Pairings.

Ryan Williams – Aeldari (Battle Host) – 1st Place

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

Aeldari v3.2000 (1990 points)
Strike Force (2000 points)
Battle Host


Autarch Wayleaper (140 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Dragon fusion gun
1x Howling Banshee Mask
1x Star glaive
• Enhancement: The Phoenix Gem

Avatar of Khaine (335 points)
• 1x The Wailing Doom

Farseer (80 points)
• 1x Eldritch Storm
1x Shuriken pistol
1x Witchblade

Spiritseer (80 points)
• 1x Shuriken pistol
1x Witch staff
• Enhancement: Fate’s Messenger

The Yncarne (350 points)
• 1x Swirling soul energy
1x Vilith-zhar, the Sword of Souls


Night Spinner (180 points)
• 1x Doomweaver
1x Shuriken cannon
1x Wraithbone hull

Night Spinner (180 points)
• 1x Doomweaver
1x Shuriken cannon
1x Wraithbone hull

Swooping Hawks (75 points)
• 1x Swooping Hawk Exarch
• 1x Aeldari power sword
1x Close combat weapon
1x Hawk’s talon
• 4x Swooping Hawk
• 4x Close combat weapon
4x Lasblaster

Warp Spiders (115 points)
• 1x Warp Spider Exarch
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Death spinner
1x Death spinner
1x Powerblades
• 4x Warp Spider
• 4x Close combat weapon
4x Death spinner

Warp Spiders (115 points)
• 1x Warp Spider Exarch
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Death spinner
1x Death spinner
1x Powerblades
• 4x Warp Spider
• 4x Close combat weapon
4x Death spinner

Wraithguard (340 points)
• 10x Wraithguard
• 10x Close combat weapon
10x Wraithcannon


Double Avatar and Wraithguard

Final Round Matchup

82 – 58 Victory against Ciaran Furlong – Black Templars (Righteous Crusaders).


See, the one downside of all these fancy new tank builds is that it means Eldar players can just go super top heavy on Avatars and Wraithguard and still blow everyone up. Despicable. Well done Ryan.

The Best of the Rest

There were 3 more players on 4-1 records. They were:

  • 2nd – Ciaran Furlong – Black Templars (Righteous Crusaders): Templars with a big Primaris Crusader brick as a central anchor and a Land Raider double-stacked with Sword Brethren.
  • 3rd – Edmund Dymott – World Eaters (Berzerker Warband): Angron, Invocatus and 900pts of Exalted Eightbound.
  • 4th – Dominic Mathews – Adeptus Mechanicus (Rad-Cohort): Melee aggro AdMech. No really – punchbots and lots of Dragoons.

Rapid Fire GT 2023

29-player, 5-round Grand Tournament in Scotland, GB on October 21 2023. All the lists for this event can be found in Best Coast Pairings.

The Showdown

Take and Hold – Hidden Supplies – Hammer and Anvil

Allan Davidson – Dark Angels (Ironstorm Spearhead):  Redemptors, Whirlwinds and a Darkshroud, with Inceptors and Scouts as utility pieces.
Army List - Click to Expand

Dark Angels (1995 points)
Space Marines
Dark Angels
Strike Force (2000 points)
Ironstorm Spearhead


Techmarine (95 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Forge bolter
1x Grav-pistol
1x Omnissian power axe
1x Servo-arm
• Enhancement: Target Augury Web (Aura)

Techmarine (80 points)
• 1x Forge bolter
1x Grav-pistol
1x Omnissian power axe
1x Servo-arm
• Enhancement: Adept of the Omnissiah

Techmarine (75 points)
• 1x Forge bolter
1x Grav-pistol
1x Omnissian power axe
1x Servo-arm
• Enhancement: Master of Machine War (Aura)


Inceptor Squad (110 points)
• 1x Inceptor Sergeant
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Plasma exterminators
• 2x Inceptor
• 2x Close combat weapon
2x Plasma exterminators

Inceptor Squad (110 points)
• 1x Inceptor Sergeant
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Plasma exterminators
• 2x Inceptor
• 2x Close combat weapon
2x Plasma exterminators

Inceptor Squad (110 points)
• 1x Inceptor Sergeant
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Plasma exterminators
• 2x Inceptor
• 2x Close combat weapon
2x Plasma exterminators

Ravenwing Darkshroud (125 points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Heavy bolter

Redemptor Dreadnought (200 points)
• 1x Icarus rocket pod
1x Macro plasma incinerator
1x Onslaught gatling cannon
1x Redemptor fist
1x Twin fragstorm grenade launcher

Redemptor Dreadnought (200 points)
• 1x Icarus rocket pod
1x Macro plasma incinerator
1x Onslaught gatling cannon
1x Redemptor fist
1x Twin fragstorm grenade launcher

Redemptor Dreadnought (200 points)
• 1x Icarus rocket pod
1x Macro plasma incinerator
1x Onslaught gatling cannon
1x Redemptor fist
1x Twin fragstorm grenade launcher

Scout Squad (55 points)
• 1x Scout Sergeant
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Boltgun
1x Close combat weapon
• 4x Scout
• 1x Astartes shotgun
4x Bolt pistol
1x Boltgun
4x Close combat weapon
1x Missile launcher
1x Scout sniper rifle

Scout Squad (55 points)
• 1x Scout Sergeant
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Boltgun
1x Close combat weapon
• 4x Scout
• 1x Astartes shotgun
4x Bolt pistol
1x Boltgun
4x Close combat weapon
1x Missile launcher
1x Scout sniper rifle

Scout Squad (55 points)
• 1x Scout Sergeant
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Boltgun
1x Close combat weapon
• 4x Scout
• 1x Astartes shotgun
4x Bolt pistol
1x Boltgun
4x Close combat weapon
1x Missile launcher
1x Scout sniper rifle

Whirlwind (145 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Storm bolter
1x Whirlwind vengeance launcher

Whirlwind (145 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Storm bolter
1x Whirlwind vengeance launcher

Whirlwind (145 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Storm bolter
1x Whirlwind vengeance launcher


Callidus Assassin (90 points)
• 1x Neural shredder
1x Phase sword and poison blades

Exported with App Version: v1.5.0 (26), Data Version: v283


Innes Wilson – Chaos Space Marines (Slaves to Darkness): Brawler Goodstuff.
Army List - Click to Expand

Player: Innes “Has Brian Moved to England Yet?” Wilson
Team: Stat Check
Army Faction: Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Daemons
Detachment: Slaves to Darkness
Total Points: 1985

Enhancements: N/A
Warlord: Chaos Lord

Bring it Down: 12
Assassination: 20

CHA: Chaos Lord, Daemon Hammer, Plasma Pistol – [75] Mark of Chaos Undivided

CHA: Chaos Lord, Daemon Hammer, Plasma Pistol – [75] Mark of Chaos Undivided

CHA: Chaos Lord, Daemon Hammer, Plasma Pistol – [75] Mark of Chaos Undivided

BL: 10 Cultist Mob, 7 Cultist Firearm, Heavy Stubber, Flamer, Grenade Launcher – [55] Mark of Nurgle

OTH: 5 Chosen [110] 1 Power Fist, Plasma Pistol, Boltgun, Chaos Icon
1 Paired Accursed Weapons, Plasma Pistol
2 Accursed Weapons, Combi-Weapon, Bolt Pistol
1 Accursed Weapon, Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
Mark of Chaos Undivided

OTH: 5 Chosen [110] 1 Power Fist, Plasma Pistol, Boltgun, Chaos Icon
1 Paired Accursed Weapons, Plasma Pistol
2 Accursed Weapons, Combi-Weapon, Bolt Pistol
1 Accursed Weapon, Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
Mark of Chaos Undivided

OTH: 5 Chosen [110] 1 Power Fist, Plasma Pistol, Boltgun, Chaos Icon
1 Paired Accursed Weapons, Plasma Pistol
2 Accursed Weapons, Combi-Weapon, Bolt Pistol
1 Accursed Weapon, Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
Mark of Chaos Undivided

OTH: 5 Warp Talon [100] Mark of Slaanesh

OTH: 5 Warp Talon [100] Mark of Slaanesh

OTH: 2 Obliterator [170] Mark of Chaos Undivided

OTH: 2 Obliterator [170] Mark of Nurgle

VEH – Forgefiend, 3 Ectoplasm Cannons – [180] Mark of Nurgle

VEH – Forgefiend, 3 Ectoplasm Cannons – [180] Mark of Chaos Undivided

DT: Chaos Rhino, Combi-Weapon, Combi-Bolter, Havoc Launcher – [75] Mark of Nurgle

DT: Chaos Rhino, Combi-Weapon, Combi-Bolter, Havoc Launcher – [75] Mark of Nurgle

++Daemomic Pact

EH: Syll’Esske- [120]

EH: The Blue Scribes – [65]

BL: 3 Nurgling – [35]

++The Lost and the Damned

BL: 5 Rubric Marines, Icon of Flame, 3 Warpflamers, Warpflame Pistol, Soulreaper Cannon – [105]


A second appearance for the Ironstorm Spearhead, this time rolling as Dark Angels for access to the Ravenwing Darkshroud. This is extremely good with Redemptors, as it can hide behind a wall and provide them Cover in the open, rendering them extremely tough to shift once you factor in Armour of Contempt access as well. Adept of the Omnissiah is also great with it, as it means that if your opponent manages to get an angle on it to try and remove it, you can just no-sell it. Inceptors also work very well in this detachment, as a small number of good shots you can put wherever they’re needed is perfect with the re-rolls.

Those Inceptors feel like a particular asset in this matchup, as they mean the Chaos side has to be much more careful with how it deploys its toys than normal. Alongside the Scouts (helped by Whirlwinds to clear backfield screens), they also mean the list has a lot of tools for forcing through Secondaries, particularly Teleport Homers, which makes a nice combo with Assassinate in the matchup (I’m cheating slightly here, as Innes has shown me what was picked). That’s probably enough to give the Marines advantage on Secondaries, so it’s on the Chaos side to try and dominate the Primary. Happily for Chaos, that’s definitely their plan here – they’ve got lots of tools to stage up towards the mid-board, and the Advance/Charge reach to make it tricky for the Marines to score 10s safely.

I think the biggest risk for Chaos here is just running out of stuff – they do have the shooting to lift some of the big targets, but not quickly through the defences that the Marines have, and the withering of their forces in response is going to be extremely real. Careful measuring out of melee threats to ensure the Marines don’t land a decisive blow is going to be vital. For the Marines, pop those Rhinos ASAP so you can start chipping the Chosen, and try to open up routes to start scoring 10s as quickly as possible. Definitely feels like you want to go second as the Marines here to try and squeeze out end-game value, as I don’t think you’re the one at risk of losing on resources, though equally the Chaos side getting more staging time isn’t great.

All that is to say – there’s routes for both sides to triumph here. In the event, Innes was able to carefully manage his resources to achieve victory, but Allan put in a strong showing in opposition.


Chaos Space Marines (Slaves to Darkness) Victory – 85 – 74

Innes Wilson – Chaos Space Marines (Slaves to Darkness) – 1st Place

Credit: Robert “TheChirurgeon” Jones

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

Player: Innes “Has Brian Moved to England Yet?” Wilson
Team: Stat Check
Army Faction: Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Daemons
Detachment: Slaves to Darkness
Total Points: 1985

Enhancements: N/A
Warlord: Chaos Lord

Bring it Down: 12
Assassination: 20

CHA: Chaos Lord, Daemon Hammer, Plasma Pistol – [75] Mark of Chaos Undivided

CHA: Chaos Lord, Daemon Hammer, Plasma Pistol – [75] Mark of Chaos Undivided

CHA: Chaos Lord, Daemon Hammer, Plasma Pistol – [75] Mark of Chaos Undivided

BL: 10 Cultist Mob, 7 Cultist Firearm, Heavy Stubber, Flamer, Grenade Launcher – [55] Mark of Nurgle

OTH: 5 Chosen [110] 1 Power Fist, Plasma Pistol, Boltgun, Chaos Icon
1 Paired Accursed Weapons, Plasma Pistol
2 Accursed Weapons, Combi-Weapon, Bolt Pistol
1 Accursed Weapon, Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
Mark of Chaos Undivided

OTH: 5 Chosen [110] 1 Power Fist, Plasma Pistol, Boltgun, Chaos Icon
1 Paired Accursed Weapons, Plasma Pistol
2 Accursed Weapons, Combi-Weapon, Bolt Pistol
1 Accursed Weapon, Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
Mark of Chaos Undivided

OTH: 5 Chosen [110] 1 Power Fist, Plasma Pistol, Boltgun, Chaos Icon
1 Paired Accursed Weapons, Plasma Pistol
2 Accursed Weapons, Combi-Weapon, Bolt Pistol
1 Accursed Weapon, Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
Mark of Chaos Undivided

OTH: 5 Warp Talon [100] Mark of Slaanesh

OTH: 5 Warp Talon [100] Mark of Slaanesh

OTH: 2 Obliterator [170] Mark of Chaos Undivided

OTH: 2 Obliterator [170] Mark of Nurgle

VEH – Forgefiend, 3 Ectoplasm Cannons – [180] Mark of Nurgle

VEH – Forgefiend, 3 Ectoplasm Cannons – [180] Mark of Chaos Undivided

DT: Chaos Rhino, Combi-Weapon, Combi-Bolter, Havoc Launcher – [75] Mark of Nurgle

DT: Chaos Rhino, Combi-Weapon, Combi-Bolter, Havoc Launcher – [75] Mark of Nurgle

++Daemomic Pact

EH: Syll’Esske- [120]

EH: The Blue Scribes – [65]

BL: 3 Nurgling – [35]

++The Lost and the Damned

BL: 5 Rubric Marines, Icon of Flame, 3 Warpflamers, Warpflame Pistol, Soulreaper Cannon – [105]


Brawler Goodstuff


You know the drill here – lots of powerful mobile brawlers, and great shooting at low low process. Rubricae with Warpflamers for Overwatch nonsense is a nice extra addition, giving opponents an extra headache to handle, but beyond that this is all a known quantity – just a very, very good one in the hands of a very, very good player. Congratulations Innes.

The Best of the Rest

There were 4 more players on 4-1+ records. They were:

  • 2nd (4.5-0.5) – Ryan Kerr – World Eaters (Berzerker Warband): Antiherohammer World Eaters, adding Kharn and an extra Juggerlord to the mix.
  • 3rd – Nicholas Malone – Leagues of Votann (Oathband): Lots of Sagitaurs, lots of Heathguard.
  • 4th – Conar Leach – T’au Empire (Kauyon): Suits and Tetras for days.
  • 5th – Bruce Duffy – Chaos Space Marines: Brawler goodstuff with some Rubricae as a flex pick.

Wrap Up

That’s it for part 1, but as seems to be increasingly common, we’ve got a bumper-sized part 2 for you on Friday, so make sure you check back in then.