Roundtable: All the Reveals for Warhammer 40k and AoS from Warhammer Fest 2023

Credit: Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones

Warhammer Fest 2023 has come and gone and with it we have a host of new reveals for GW games. While we’re doing separate articles for Horus Heresy and Kill Team, in this article our authors are recapping everything revealed at WHF this year, what it means, and why we’re excited for it.

If you missed any of the reveals this year, or are just looking for a deeper level of commentary on what we’ve seen, look no further.

Warhammer 40,000

The big news for 40k is 10th edition, and the weekend itself was pretty much all about the upcoming release. All of the biggest reveals were 40-related, and none were bigger than the announcement of the new edition’s boxed set, titled Leviathan. Games Workshop showed off the new boxed set in detail and throughout Warhammer Fest attendees were able to play turns of the new game using models from the box (more on those here).

Warhammer 40,000: Leviathan

Leviathan is the new boxed set for 10th edition, following in the tradition of 8th edition’s Dark Imperium and 9th edition’s Indomitus boxed sets. LIke those boxes, Indomitus comes with an army of Space Marines and Tyranids, representing the two main forces in the lore around the second Leviathan incursion (more on that below), plus a rulebook that includes Crusade rules and a mission deck which contains the cards for the game’s new mission format, a sort of Tempest of War/GT hybrid. It’s not a “true” starter box for the game in the sense that it doesn’t come with dice, measuring sticks, terrain, or a mat or boards, but if you’ve already been introduced to the hobby, this is where you’re going to start with the new edition.

What’s Not in Here: This isn’t a “Starter Box” in the way Games Workshop tends to think of them – while for many players it will probably be their introduction to 10th edition, in a similar fashion to Indomitus, it doesn’t include dice, measuring tools, terrain, or boards/mats. We’ll likely see a more dedicated starter product for 10th down the line, similar to what we saw in 9th edition with the COMMAND EDITION boxes GW released. As with other major releases, expect a two-week preorder period for this box when it becomes available.

TheChirurgeon: They aren’t kidding when they said this was their biggest boxed set ever – that’s a ton of miniatures to pack into a single box, even when compared to Indomitus. It’s a cool addition to have the GT/mission cards included in the box this time around, as it ensures players won’t have to go shell out for a deck of cards on top of this – needing a physical set of cards is easily the biggest hurdle to moving to a Maelstrom/Tempest of War style mission set-up in the new edition. 

In addition to the Core Rules, the big rulebook in Leviathan also has rules for Combat Patrol, the game’s starter/scaled back mode which uses different datasheets and smaller forces, and the Crusade Rules (which will be released in a separate supplement book later this year, thankfully). These appear to be tied to the Tyrannic War, setting us up for a number of campaign books in 10th edition that explore different settings and conflicts and give us new Crusade rules along the way. 

Thundercloud: The new big box to get a copy of and GW have said they’ve made more than Indomitus and will put queuing on the website when it goes live. Everything in it will be available soon after, and GW said they’d bring out the starter boxes within weeks of Leviathan going on sale. 

For a current player with a Nid or Marine army it looks like a great buy and gives you the new edition, if you play Tau or whatever there’ll be a hardback rulebook launching alongside the same as every other edition.

“Contemptor” Kevin: They’ve helpfully stated that there will be Combat Patrols for both Marines and Tyranids in this box with the rules, and that you will not need to build all of the models in the box in order to have two Combat Patrols.  This help gives direction to what should be built first and playing with my current stuff or my friends’ current stuff with the free Combat Patrol rules.  


New Space Marine Models

There are 25 Space Marine models in Leviathan and they’re all completely new additions to the range – there are no repeats here. While you may already have Terminators in your collection, the box comes with an all-new sculpt of the unit, larger and more imposing than ever. Likewise for its Terminator Librarian and Captain models. Likewise, Sternguard Veterans get the Primaris treatment, giving us a new version of an old favorite kit.

Also in the box is the debut of the Infernus squad, Primaris marines armed with the flamers given to Black Templars when their codex released two years ago. Meanwhile we see a new Gravis Apothecary and the Ballistus Dreadnought, a redemptor-sized version of the classic double lascannon-and-missile launcher dreadnought typically referred to as a Mortis Dreadnought.

TheChirurgeon: These are likely to be monopose, easy-to-assemble kits similar to what we saw in Indomitus three years ago. And like Indomitus, one of the safest bets you can make is that we’ll see most or all of them as standalone, multi-part kits later. The Terminators are the safest bet for these, particularly since the models we’ve seen don’t include assault options (which will likely be another kit), nor do they appear to have the cyclone missile launcher option. 

Otherwise, I’m the wrong target for these. The new Terminator characters look amazing, while the Sternguard, Infernus, and Terminators are very well made but boring and I think the new Mortis dread looks silly. But marine players are going to absolutely lose it over these and having updated Terminators is pretty cool… until I see how they compare size-wise to the recently updated Chaos Terminators, anyways. Then I’m gonna be salty as fuck.

Cronch: As a person that recently converted up a squad of Primaris-sized Sternguard Veterans, I am furious. Just kidding – I love the styling of the new minis, so I’m hoping they’ll mix together nicely. The Terminators and characters are the real standouts to me, so I can’t wait to add some 1st company support to my Tome Keepers.

Rocco Gest: Huge Space Marines mark here. Obviously loving all the new models, but obviously not too excited for them all to be monopose kits. I’m extremely excited to see how the new dreadnought kit will look and what weapon options it may have. Wholesale replacing box dreads was a necessity at this point after the release of the Brutalis, so the mortis-style redemptor is pointing us in that direction. Maybe in the future we see a Venerable Redemptor. Probably unnecessary, but I would like to see what a Redemptor would look like with that drip on it.

The new characters are all great looking, but what I’m extra excited for is Primaris Sternguard. Finally bringing combi-weapons into the Primaris range outside of Black Templars to give squads a little more variety. Combi-weapons, I feel, are important to the Space Marines infantry identity. Giving us Sternguard also hopefully means we’ll be seeing other squat marine kits get upgraded, which means Vanguard Veterans and finally getting Primaris jump packs on an assault unit.

Finally the Land Raider actually looks playable this edition. That’s a tank I have wanted to pick up and paint but haven’t had a reason to put it on the table, so I’ve been holding off. Now that it has the Assault Ramp again and can transport primaris, not only am I excited for Land Raiders, I’m excited for all hosts of transporta in Space Marines that i’ve been ignoring before.

“Contemptor” Kevin:  I like the idea that the collection in this kit is designed to tell the story of the Ultramarines First Company going into a planet to hunt bugs. The Phobos Lieutenant who is otherwise completely out of place and out-of-style with the rest of the Marine minis is something that we normally don’t see in these sorts of launch boxes. I won’t be keeping it because I already have a Phobos Lieutenant I like, but it’s still cool.

The Marine models are, of course for these launch boxes, absolutely stellar.  The Terminators are chunky and imposing, the Infernus Marines are there, and the Ballistus Dreadnought is a fun looking mech.  I had fun taking one for a spin and enjoying some of the early special rules it had.  If it is some sort of “easy to build” kit, so much the better – the one thing I hate about building Redemptor Dreadnoughts is the legs.  

The mono-pose Sternguard I was initially not super-thrilled with, because the current Firstborn Sternguard kit is absolutely packed with cool options for my firstborn Marines.  However, the robes and legs on these guys look *miles* better than the current plastic kit version.  I could see the Firstborn Sternguard kit being phased out in favor of these better-looking models, and I hope they keep all the weapon options.

One benefit to the Mono-pose Sternguard though is to those of us of the Macraggian persuasion – they’re new Tyrannic War Veterans!  

For the force that comes with this box, I *really* want to get a new Marneus Calgar model to lead the force.   

I’ll also need to build a Land Raider for Calgar and friends, and…

Thundercloud: The minis I’m looking forward to most are the new Terminators and characters, as they’ll scale perfectly with the MkVI marines I’ve got painted up and bring me a step closer to completing my Rogue Trader army. The Sternguard look fine and it’s good to see them rescaled, the Infernus marines I could take or leave but will inevitably paint at least five of. 

The dreadnought is growing on me. Pictures make it look very ‘don’t skip leg day kids’ but in real life it is not as bad, and I think they’ll all paint up nicely in Blood Angel red. 

Zuul the Cat: Right before 10th got announced I started working on a backlog project of Flesh Tearers. Then The Lion coming back happened and I decided to start a 40k Dark Angels project as well. I’ve been really torn on choosing to make the Space Marine half of Leviathan Flesh Tearers or Dark Angels. Clearly the only real solution is to get two Space Marine halves. The new models are just that fantastic. The Ballistus Dreadnought is the model I’m very fond of – I know lots of folks think the legs are too thin, but I think once you build it in person a lot of that negative impression will go away. The new Terminator stuff is fantastic and I’m looking forward to adding them into my Flesh Tearers force, especially since I just bought a Land Raider Crusader to add to my army. The Storm Bolter rework makes them look really mean and the Terminator Librarian looks vicious as well.


New Tyranids Models

Not to be outdone, there are even more Tyranids models in the box, and again everything here is new models. The two re-releases here are the Termagants, which get hyper-detailed glow-ups of their aging plastic kit, and the Screamer-Killer, an update of the classic 2nd edition Carnifex that gives this particular variant its own kit. On the “new but not necessarily completely new” side we have the Winged Tyranid Prime, giving us a proper plastic kit for the more mobile version of this leader Tyranid Warrior. 

On the “entirely new” side of things we have the Neurotyrant, psychic beings who float across the battlefield and radiate the shadow cast in the warp by Tyranids. Von Ryan’s Leapers give the army a more elite version of Hormagaunts, or a less elite version of Lictors, if you prefer.  Neurogaunts are a new, variant strain of gaunt which carries a parasite on its back and act as sacrificial bodyguards for the army’s synapse creatures. If Von Ryan’s Leapers are elite Hormagaunts, Barbgaunts are elite Termagants, weird little guys fused to bio-cannons. And then finally we get a new monster in the form of the Psychophage, a terrible beast which eats psykers and spits corrosive ash. 

TheChirurgeon: That’s an absolute ton of models to release with, and there’s just some incredibly cool nids stuff in the box to play around with. The Neurotyrant is my favorite of these, and I like the idea of the Tyranids army moving more and more into specialized roles and away from generalized roles like the Hive Tyrant (instead giving us shooting/mobile/melee/psychic variants which go harder in one particular area). I think the Tyranids work best in the fluff and on the table as an army that hyper-specializes through directed evolution rather than having a bunch of units which can just do multiple things. 

The big question right now isn’t whether the new models slap (they do), but whether we’ll finally move the Tyranids range into the modern era with plastic lictors and updated Genestealers.

Cronch: As somebody with a small Tyranids project on the go I knew I was going to be in danger with this box! The Screamer-Killer is a real highlight for me, and although I do love the amazing job ‘Eavy Metal have done with the quite naturalistic box art scheme, I can’t wait to paint it up in a super bright Hive Fleet Behemoth livery. I’m holding off on buying any other ‘Nids until I know what else is making the transition to 10th!

“Contemptor” Kevin: Whooboy.  47 Tyranid models in a launch set alongside a bunch of new Space Marine models.  I have to say that it is an absolutely daunting amount of plastic to paint – and probably the one thing that would give me pause for pre-ordering it. HOWEVER, at the Reveal they also announced specifically that there would be a Combat Patrol for the Tyranids that did not use all of the ‘Nid models in the box.  I think specifically the Neurotyrant is the one that’s excluded, which is cool and good.  As awesome looking as the Neurotyrant is, it definitely looks to be the one model that would benefit most from additional colors/time painting. For an army that I won’t be collecting beyond what’s in this box, it’s going to be about getting a scheme I can slap onto the army quickly and just playing combat patrol. 

Thundercloud: I liked Nids back in the olden days, but apart from painting 120 genestealers from multiple copies of Space Hulk I never did a nid army.

I like that GW have redone the Screamer Killer based on the one I remember not the slightly ropey beetlefex from 3rd ed (long forgotten after the release of the plastic kit), and it’ll be the centrepiece of my Tyranid force. I’m looking forward to working out a good scheme for them. I’ve got some of the ancient 1st and 2nd ed termagents, so I may dig them out and see how they scale with the new models.

Tyranids needed another big HQ, which the Neurotyrant delivers, and a bit more variety in gribblies is always good to see. Three centrepiece monster kits is a great start for a new Nid army, and adding more weird little guys (Barbgaunts, Neurogaunts) is a good move in my book and gives players more choices than ‘big block of Hormagaunts, big block of Termagaunts’. Let’s have a hivefleet that’s a bit more diverse in both big monsters and weird little guys. 


The Lore of Leviathan

The lore of Leviathan focuses on the Fourth Tyrannic War, where Imperial fleets have been sent to meet an invading spur of Hive Fleet Leviathan on the western galactic fringe. These Solblade fleets are smaller, elite strike forces aiming to disrupt the Tyranid advance, attacking worlds which Leviathan has already hit and attempting to kill the important synapse creatures which coordinate the Tyranids’ actions. These Solblades include a number of warriors from the Ultramarines’ first company.

TheChirurgeon: 10th edition appears to avoid the big misstep of 9th by moving across the galaxy and picking another contemporary problem to deal with instead of pushing us back a hundred years in the lore. It’s a smart move and returning to the Tyranids as a threat now encroaching from a different part of the galaxy helps underline the fact that they’re an exo-galactic threat. Otherwise, I’m hoping there’s more to this and we’ll see it develop as the codexes release – after all, Ultramarines vs. Tyranids has been done before. 

Thundercloud: The Tyranid invasion is a nice open ended conflict which any faction can take part in and get a little time in the sun, so you don’t have your first big centrepiece campaign with a bunch of the xenos armies over to one side picking their belly button/s fluff. How are the traitor legions dealing with the Tyranids? Or the Necrons? Or anyone else who thinks they should be running things? Time to find out. 

You can centre the campaign in marines vs nids but it’s very simple to just bring everyone else in. Tyranids also, despite being there since 1st edition, could do with fleshing out in both the model range and the background, and it’s a great chance to go into more depth. 


What’s Next: The 10th Edition Road Map

In similar fashion to 9th, GW have laid out a road map for 10th edition which gives us the order and timing of the game’s major releases over the next year. Different to 9th however is the scope and specificity of that roadmap. Gone are the – [REDACTED] text markers – for the first time, we have a clear picture of the next year’s releases. As you might expect, things king off in the fall with Codexes for the Space Marines and Tyranids, but following that we’ll see Adeptus Mechanicus and Necrons in the winter followed by Dark Angels, Orks, Custodes, T’au, and Chaos Space Marines early next year. 

TheChirurgeon: It’s great to get a proper road map this time around, and I’m glad they aren’t trying to hide the fact that we have a ton of ground to cover very quickly. While restarting the codex cycle with a new edition is a bit of a slog, it keeps things interesting and it was something we all knew was going to happen. I’m mostly excited I don’t have to wait an entire edition for Chaos Space Marines again, but I’m also hopeful that the faction being nearly a year out means it’ll see some more major releases when the book does drop. 

Thundercloud: GW saying every codex is getting new models is interesting, particularly as some have filtered out through Kill Team (Novitiates, Traitor Guard, Kroot) or been splash releases in Arks of Omen (The Lion, Dante) so it’ll be interesting to see what’s coming out. Are everyone’s terminators getting a little taller? What else is in store for Marines and Nids? Will Custodes get the extra models they need to be more interesting and less reliant on Forgeworld? Time to start stewing in your juices, working yourself up to the point where whatever GW do it won’t live up to your expectations, and then post on the internet about it. 

TheChirurgeon: “Every codex gets new models” covers a lot of ground – we’ve seen in the past that most of the time this basically means a single character model for the majority of books (Grey Knights, Thousand Sons, Death Guard, Adeptus Mechanicus, Custodes, and GSC), with intermittent updates which give us partial army updates (Space Marines, Orks, Chaos Knights, Craftworlds Eldar, and Black templars). We’ll definitely see more for marines and Tyranids – at the very least we’re going to get the multipose versions of some of the Leviathan kits. 


Warhammer: Age of Sigmar

While not nearly as big on the release side as 40k this year, Age of Sigmar still saw a host of reveals, showcasing new models and releases across Order, Destruction, Chaos, and Death. The biggest news was around the next set of campaign books for the mortal realms: Dawnbringers.


Dawnbreakers is the next chapter for the Mortal Realms, following the aftermath of the warring in Ghur which has led to outbreaks of savagery and war in the Mortal Realms. During this time, Dawnbringer Crusades set out to retake lands lost to Chaos in Sigmar’s name. There are four books in the Dawnbringers series and book one includes support for all four grand alliances. In particular, the first book focuses on the four Heralds of provenance, four characters who rose to prominence during the campaign’s early days. These are Phlugoth the Miser of the Maggotkin, Ser Jerrion of the Flesh-eater Courts, Fjori of the Fyreslayers, and Bragit Big-Talka of the Gloomspite Gitz. 

TheChirurgeon: Age of Sigmar has done a very solid job with their campaign books, and I think they’ve done a better job pushing the narrative forward (and in every other direction) than on the 40k side, in part because it’s all blue sky for them, largely untethered to 40+ years of calcified nonsense. I’m more an armchair fan of the AoS story but I’m interested to see where they take things next.

Magos Sockbert: Do I love these horsie friends, and the infantry they showed off at Adepticon? Hells yes. Are they suitably grimdark and perfect for the setting while bringing in new aesthetics and design space? Absolutely. Am I going to paint 60+ of these hyper detailed, overly complex models that are going to die to a stiff breeze? Absolutely bloody not.

Caelyn: I got a bit emotional when I saw the Freeguild Cavaliers because of the fat lady knight. As a big lass I don’t see myself reflected in fantasy art very often, especially not miniatures, so this one really is a bit special. I’m really looking forward to seeing the sprues for this kit and figuring out what options I have for building her, as she doesn’t look a million miles away from some photos of me in LARP kit.

Cronch: I love these – they have a much darker vibe than the current Cities of Sigmar range, and I’m hoping for some gloomier lore about the Dawnbringer Crusades to go along with them. AoS always has a nice hopeful edge, but it would be nice to have something grim to contrast that against that isn’t a vague reference to the Age of Chaos, or a big comedy skeleton man breaking his pyramid and causing an earthquake.


The New Models

We got to see a wide variety of new models, owing to the variety of forces represented in Dawnbringers. A number of armies get exciting new models, and as is the case for Age of Sigmar, these are some of the weirdest and most detailed models Games Workshop has ever made.

Also among these are the new models for the Cities of Sigmar, which most notably included the Freeguild Cavaliers, mounted knights which harken back to those classic models of the Old World setting. These updated models offer tons of additional detail, and compared to those older models feature armor and livery that is more baroque.

Magos Sockbert: As Goonhammer’s resident Death nutter, this Fest was an early Nagashmas present for me. The Flesh Eater Court Royal Beastslayers have some truly horrific miniatures in there – the sculptor of the ghoul with the literal face mask clearly has some issues – probably the same ones that the Marrowscroll Herald sculptor has. The weird dog… pig… things on the other hand probably could go another round at the design stage. I get that they’re going for momentum with almost no contact on the ground, but the dude without the branch just screams “frolicking” to me way more than “charging horror”.

RagnarokAngel: Big pig, Big Pig, BIG PIG, BIG PIG!!




TheChirurgeon: The new Maggotkin herald is an absolutely amazing model and he’s going to win a Golden Demon within the next year. He also duplicates a trend of giving less mobile armies a mounted character. Which yes, includes the Big Pig for the Ironjawz.

The new Cities of Sigmar models look great, and I’m already excited to think about the kinds of cool things Campbell will do with his army once he gets his hands on them. He’s an absolute freak when it comes to heraldry and these are the perfect opportunity for him to really flex that hobby muscle and go all-out. 


What’s Next: The Road Ahead

Similar to 40k, GW showed off a new roadmap for Age of Sigmar, though this one was a bit more opaque in order to avoid spoilers. Now that the Seraphon have arrived we’re due for Harbingers book 1 next and a new edition of the General’s Handbook over the summer, followed by Battletome: Cities of Sigmar and two more Dawnbringers books in the fall before the year is closed out with one more Order battletome and the final book of the Dawnbringers series.

RagnarokAngel: Age of Sigmar has had a pretty good track record with campaign books. In recent memory, Wrath of the Everchosen was an important book for Chaos that saw use up until very recently with the release of Khorne and Slaanesh finally ending its support and Broken Realms was a rousing success for advancing the narrative. Thondia was a fine book for narrative players (though Matched Play players may malign its introduction of the Krondspine).

Given these are (at least) 4 books, and I speculate we’re coming up on the end of 3rd edition in a year or so, since only 2 battletomes are left, this is likely to be more like Broken Realms, which is very exciting! It likely means the narrative is going to push forward again, and I’m one of those freaks who genuinely cares about the AOS metaplot. As for the rules, not too sure if it’s going to be just narrative or matched play as well.

Cronch: Historically these book series are a great way of moving the lore on and wrapping up to a focal point or two before a new edition, which is nice, but they’re often also a good way of emptying your bank account by buying 4 Battletome-priced books over an 8-12 week span. That said, I’m looking forward to seeing what’s going on in the Mortal Realms, albeit curious as to what’s going to fill the last 6 months of AoS 3’s life, assuming a mid-24 release of 4th ed.

Warhammer Underworlds

Nagash’s justice comes to the Wyrdhollow with the release of the Cursed Executioners warband for Warhammer Underworlds. This phantasmal procession wields the dread blade Terminus, a sentient blade which is always accompanied by four spirits. This team works by generating Condemned Counters, and collecting three allows the warband to achieve their Inspired condition.

Magos Sockbert: Look, they’re undead, so of course I’m going to get them, but y’all don’t know true content fire hose until you try and keep up with Underworlds. I get this is a seasonal game, but maybe make the seasons longer? …please? The models themselves are a bit… so, so, with the unifying design theme apparently the combined judge, jury and executioner of the American legal system, but the individual models don’t seem super tied together – I assume that one is swinging an anvil around, but we never got a proper shot of it, so maybe it’s a writing desk? Dude with a scroll is getting memeified into UM AKTUALLY in about four seconds flat though.


Warhammer: The Old World

We were treated to a new peek at the Old World, showing off new models for the Tomb Kings of Khemri and the knights of Bretonnia. Both of these kits are resin models, though GW plans to release a mix of resin and plastic. 

Magos Sockbert: My two loves in this world are giant stompy robots and medieval knights, so the Old World has my hype as hell for the return of my beloved Paravonian Bretonnians. This though… I’m really not sure how I feel about it. On the one hand, the Tomb King model is banging, and it’s neat to see a Bretonnian model on foot, which hasn’t happened since the late 90s. On the other hand, why is the Tomb King attacking from the north in the cinematic – you know, where Bretonnia and the Empire are? Why is the Bretonnian defending the sands of Nehekara? I am confused and have so many questions.

Cronch: I don’t know what to expect from Old World, or when to expect it. Clearly Total War: Warhammer, and the rapid expansion of wargaming as a more mainstream hobby, have lead to enough demand that GW is willing to take a gamble on it as a specialist product at least. But I can’t help feeling that the game was canceled and rebooted for a reason, and unless there are some fairly significant changes it might be doomed to a couple of years as a nostalgia piece before quietly disappearing again. That said, the new models that have been shown are lovely, and a chance to buy some of the old armies at retail rather than eye-watering eBay prices is probably enough to get me to try it out at least.

Thundercloud: I think knowing that Old World isn’t just a fart in a mason jar will make some people happy, but I’m not buying and painting a WFB army again, though I will thoroughly pillage anything that looks good for Warcry. 

Enlarging the basing is also a good move, and should ensure that you can get round to square conversion movement trays for your AoS/40k/Warcry/whatever models and they’ll fit (because you’ll be able to use the demon range in three mass battle systems, two of which have round bases) as well as not playing unit tetris where you’ve got to rank the models up in such a way they don’t catch on each other. 

I remember the controversy when Brettonians lost foot knights, and it’s good to see them coming back. 


Lord of the Rings

Magos Sockbert: Full disclosure, in our round table template this section first said “Other Warhammer Shit”, and that’s kinda what this release feels like. The response in the LotR community has been pretty lacklustre, and I can 100% understand why – this is a cool diorama, but there’s still a lot of the range that still need models, and the older sculpts (of which some came out in two thousand and one) are definitely showing their age. Looking at all the incredible models other games have received, MESBG almost feels like an after thought – one where the community is already filling the communications void with “oh god they’ve lost the license” nightmares.

Cronch: I love Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game. It might be the best, most resilient ruleset that GW have ever produced, and barring some simplifications over the years it is still noticeably the same game as that first The Fellowship of the Ring book over 20 years ago. It’s disappointing not to see more – as lovely as the diorama is, it does nothing for me personally. I expect we’ll see it pop up in Golden Demon a lot next year, and I look forward to seeing what people do with it, but it isn’t an object I crave while the actual gaming Ringwraiths I can buy are still a mix of metal and finecast! That said, the general vibe of the reveal/Q&A seemed to be “we have a lot we want to show you, but somebody won’t let us show you yet”, so I’m hopeful for some new/renewed support for plastics in the range soon. Nobody deserves a new model more than Gil-Galad, the poor guy.

Thundercloud: I get how upset people were, but I think the lack of reveals is down to waiting for approvals to go through on things that they would have liked to show us, and this makes a catch up Lord of the Rings preview fairly likely. I’m remembering that Warlord stopped doing the Doctor Who game and one of the reasons was that every model needed approval from the BBC and often from the actor (or their estate where they’d passed away) and it was taking months to years for things to come back. LotR won’t have problems this bad, but sometimes you will get delays that you didn’t plan on. 

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