Ruleshammer 40k: Orks

This Ruleshammer article will cover the quirkz and odditiez to be found in Codex Orks! You can also find answerz to many more questionz in the Ruleshammer Compendium!

Last Updated: 2022-02-10

Table of Contents

Current Q&A

Does Opportunist work whilst embarked in a Transport?

This is a bit of a tricky questions, especially because I think one part of the rule clearly should work and the other part probably shouldnā€™t. First of all hereā€™s the rule.

Deathskulls: Opportunist
– Each time you select a target for this Warlord, if you select a CHARACTERĀ unit within 12ā€³, you can ignore theĀ LookĀ Out,Ā Sir rule.
– Each time an enemy VEHICLEĀ unit is destroyed within 6ā€³ of thisĀ WARLORD, you gain 1Ā CommandĀ point.

So the first part, I think should work. You are selecting a target for the warlord; itā€™s not an aura ability so itā€™s not turned off by being embarked as made clear by points 5 and 7 of the Shooting Whilst Embarked Rare Rule.

5. Unless specifically stated otherwise, the embarked unit is not affected by the abilities (including aura abilities) of any other unit, even if that unit is also embarked within the same Transport model.

7. Any abilities (including Detachment abilities) that models in an embarked unit have, or that their weapons have, continue to apply when they make ranged attacks.

Itā€™s also not another unitā€™s ability ā€“ the warlord has it. It gets a bit more complicated for the second effect though. The first effect is about a target being within 12ā€³ of the a shooting model. So in much the same way that Rapid Fire or the half range rules for fusion/melta weapons would trigger when shooting from an Open Topped vehicle. The second effect however is specifically not whilst attacking, and about units specifically being within 6ā€³ of this Warlord. To most players that Warlord is not actually on the table right now, as implied (but not really specifically stated) by the embark rule which says to remove the models that are embarked from the battlefield. So thereā€™s an argument to be made that whilst embarked no models are within 6ā€³ of that Warlord. Iā€™m not 100% sure on whether this is the intent though, and as itā€™s not an aura itā€™s plausible that itā€™s meant to work while embarked. This is probably a pregame discussion you should have, or something you should ask your TO before an event.

My personal recommendation would be that the second effect doesnā€™t work whilst embarked; it blurs the line about if the model is on the battlefield too much in my opinion.

Ā Who is affected by Cloud of Smoke?

Q: Does ā€˜Cloud of Smokeā€™ apply to the Speed Freeks unit you select for the Stratagem? (i.e Squig Buggy is selected and gives Scrap jets nearby -1 to hit, does this also apply to squig buggyā€“technically it is a friendly unit within 6 inches of itself ? Thanks!

Use this Stratagem at the start of your opponentā€™s Shooting phase. Select one SPEED FREEKS VEHICLE unit from your army. Until the end of the phase, while a friendly SPEED FREEKS VEHICLE unit is within 6ā€³ of the selected unit, each time a ranged attack targets that unit, subtract 1 from that attackā€™s hit roll.

So a little frustratingly here this is sort of an aura, and it really should have given the unit an ability that was clearly marked as such in my opinion. Personally I would still play that it does give the unit an Aura ability, which would means the effect can be disabled by aura-disabling abilities. However to answer the question being asked here, units are considered to be within Xā€ of themselves. For an ability to exclude the unit itself it would usually say ā€œwhile anotherĀ friendlyā€.

Iā€™d recommend this stratagem be discussed pre-game, especially if the enemy has any aura-ignoring abilities. It in my opinion meets the aura definition.

Aura Abilities
Some abilities affect models or units in a given range ā€“ these are aura abilities. A model with an aura ability is always within range of its effect. ā€“Ā Core PDF Pg7

So with that in mind it probably worth checking you both agree on what the ability is and how it interacts with other rules.

Note: I know Orks is a 9th edition codex and theĀ AuraĀ tag is used, but GW have not been entirely consistent with the tag. For instance there are currently half of the 9th books where Body Guard is a tagged aura, while in the other half of books it is not, despite having the exact same wording. The tag is not part of the definition in the core rule; it was meant to be a convenient thing and has caused plenty of arguments instead.

Killsaws and additional attacks for 2

Do they cause +1 or +2 attacks? A question I really was hoping the FAQ would cover, now that it hasn’t I think I’ll weight in on it. Though I still think an FAQ is necessary to be certain.

Each time an attack is made with this weapon, subtract 1 from that attackā€™s hit roll. Each time the bearer fights, if it is equipped with 2 killsaws, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon.

In my opinion Rules as Written that’s +1 per weapon, and they have 2 of them so +2 in total. Essentially I think this should work like any other weapon ability, for instance if a model has 2 melta weapons both of them will trigger their rule and check if their criteria is met and get their bonus damage. So in this case, you have a Kill Saw, you check if the model has 2 of them, it does, that Kill saw gets an extra attack. Later on you get to the second Kill Saw, you check the model has 2 of them, it does, so you benefit again.

I will say I’m not 100% sure this was the intent though; however that a lot of neater ways of writing a rule that would only give +1 attack. Such as having the rule be part of the unit not the weapon, or having “pair of Killsaws” with a separate profile as a weapon option for instance.

There’s also the Trygon in the room to consider and an FAQ I think originally written in 8th edition to contend with. First of all the Massive Scything Talon Rule is very similar.

You can re-rollĀ hitĀ rollsĀ of 1 for this weapon. If the bearer has more than one pair of massive scything talons, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon each time it fights.

and the FAQ on them also pretty clear

Q: If a model has more than one pair of scything/monstrous scything/massive scything talons, does it make 1 additional attack with one of those pairs, or 1 additional attack with each of those pairs?
A: 1 additional attack with one of those pairs.

which honestly I wouldn’t blame anyone saying indicates how Kill Saws should be ruled. However this would be applying an FAQ for a different faction, from a different edition, to a 9th Edition codex. Also Trygon Scything Talons are extra weird in being a singular weapon that only comes in pairs, of which the model can take 3 pairs.

I know this is the conclusive answer that many players want, but sometimes agreeing that the rule is ambiguous is step one. Then you know to include it in the pregame discussion so that it decided on then, not in the moment is matters when the pressure is on!

Deffkilla Wartrike. Credit: Rockfish
Deffkilla Wartrike. Credit: Rockfish


Gretchin Units (including their artillery) and Aircraft

While unlikely make use of the Advance-and-fire part of the Speed WAAAGH! ability, a lot of Gretchin units qualify for the second part:

Each time a model in an ORKS VEHICLE or ORKS BIKER unit from your army makes a ranged attack, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 1.

Mek Gunz, Killa Kans, and I think all of the Ork Aircraft meet the ORKS VEHICLE requirement for this boost, regardless of the fact that they’re not particularly speedy. It’s not just the slow Gretchin stuff either, even the big stompy Ork stuff benefits like well Stompa, as well as most of their heavy support units.

What about Open-Topped Units and their passengers?

A lot has been said about the new Open Topped FAQ, a some of it said by me.

9. If a Transport model is under the effects of a modifier to its ranged attacks (such as a modifier to its hit rolls, wound rolls, etc.) the same modifier applies each time an embarked model makes a ranged attack [Core Rules FAQ Pg8]

This would arguably apply but as the modifier for Speed WAAAGH! is specifically when the ORKS VEHICLE makes a ranged attack, it’s often argued that it only applies to when the vehicle is making attacks and not when you’re resolving attacks for the units inside. This is how I would suggest it be played – that the Speed WAAAGH! buff doesn’t apply to embarked units – however I’d really like to see this final wrinkle in the Open-Topped rules be addressed and made clear in an upcoming FAQ.

Trukk Boyz Modifier

Iā€™m going to preface this with a note that, to my understanding, the community is almost evenly split on this issue. Weā€™re so close to the Open-Topped rules being ā€œgoodā€ and consistent and itā€™s really just this last hurdle. I think even my colleagues at Goonhammer HQ are split on how this should be resolved.Ā So what follows is my preferred interpretation, but I could be wrong.

Does the Trukk Boyz Modifier apply to the Trukk Boyz when embarked?

I donā€™t think it does. itā€™s question I really was hoping the FAQ would cover but it might be something theyā€™re saving for the next BIG FAQ (which Iā€™m not expecting til January)

What I really want is point 9 of the Open-Topped transport rules clarifying.

9) If a TRANSPORT model is under the effects of a modifier to its ranged attacks (such as a modifier to its hit rolls, wound rolls, etc.) the same modifier applies each time an embarked model makes a ranged attack.

Personally I think that the passengers donā€™t benefit, the modifier is worded in a way that leads to this conclusion in two ways in my opinion. I am very open to being wrong, and think Iā€™m likely in the minority on this issue.

Trukk Boyz: A TRUKK BOYZ unit can disembark from a TRUKK even if that TRUKK has made a Normal Move this phase. While any TRUKK BOYZ units are embarked upon a TRUKK, each time that TRUKK model makes a ranged attack, add 1 to that attackā€™s hit roll.

The modifier applies each time the TRUKK model makes a ranged attack, so when you shoot with the units inside.

1) The TRUKK is not currently making a ranged attack, so thereā€™s no modifiers active.

2) The units inside are not TRUKK models.

It seems point 9 mostly applies to defensive or enemy modifiers. Like if a ability that causes -1 to Hit is used on the TRUKK then it usually also affects the contents. Such as these examples.

Use this Stratagem at the start of the enemy Shooting phase. Pick an enemy unit within 18ā€³ of a BATTLESUIT COMMANDER from your army. Your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls made for that unit this phase.

Your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls that target units with this trait if they are more than 12ā€³ away.

These abilities are not ā€œwhen making an attackā€ and donā€™t have any specific keywords the affected units must have.

Meganobz. Credit: Rockfish
Meganobz. Credit: Rockfish

Plural Ork Keywordz

GW went heavy on the Orkish in the latest codex, with several units have Keywords using a “Z” for pluralisation. Whilst now RAW there are PLENTY of examples in the codex that the “Z” is in fact pluralisation and any arguing about it not being is going to be at least a little thin!


All datasheets have a list of keywords, separated into Faction keywords and other keywords. The former can be used as a guide to help decide which models to include in your army, but otherwise= both sets of keywords are functionally the same. In either case, keywords appear in Keyword Bold in the rules. Keywords are sometimes linked to (or ā€˜taggedā€™ by) a rule. For example, a rule might say that it applies to ā€˜Infantry unitsā€™. This means it only applies to units that have the Infantry keyword on their datasheet. The pluralisation (or not) of keywords does not affect which units the rule in question applies to. [Core Rules PDF Pg3]

Key examples of this being Orkish pluralisation can be found in units such as Nobz being made up many Ork Nob, and Boyz units being make up of many Ork Boy.

Are Ammo Runts a single re-roll?

A Codex wouldn’t be complete these days without a questionable cherub effect. Ammo Runts are certainly questionable, but also pretty straightforward.

Once per battle, when the bearer makes a ranged attack, you can re-roll the hit roll.

There’s really no meat on this bone here, it’s 5 points for a single model to re-roll the hit roll not the unit as it’s “a ranged attack” singularly and whilst a lot of rule sin 40k are written singularly the triggers are not, as such as the Rites of Battle Aura.

Rites of Battle (Aura):Ā While a friendly <CHAPTER>CORE unit is within 6″ of this model, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, re-roll aĀ hitĀ rollĀ of 1.

This trigger happens over and over, a once per battle trigger happens once.


Credit: Charlie Brassley

Orks: Can Disembarking Trukk Boys Advance?

Q: Hotly debated, but can Trukk Boyz move and advance after disembarking from a Trukk that has moved? Rules state that units that disembark can act normally, but also that Embarked units count as having made the same move as the transport. – Myles

The answer to this one is a bit more subtle than I’d like. The Trukk Boyz rule that lets them disembark in the first place after the transport has moved has no restrictions on it, unlike the Impulsor rule.

Trukk Boyz: A TRUKK BOYZ unit can disembark from a TRUKK even if that TRUKK has made a Normal Move this phase. While any TRUKK BOYZ units are embarked upon a TRUKK, each time that TRUKK model makes a ranged attack, add 1 to that attackā€™s hit roll.

the subtle part is that embarked units only count as having done the move the transport did, while embarked.

For all rules purposes, units that are embarked within a Transport model that has made a Normal Move, Advanced, Fallen Back or Remained Stationary also count as having made the same kind of move that turn. – Core PDF Pg 12

It’s not “units that were embarked” it’s “units that are embarked” so if they’ve disembarked then they no longer count as having made the same move as the transport, which means that they can move, Advance, and even charge as normal.



The Forgeworld FAQ has removed the WARBOSS keyword from the unit, causing it only be able to declare SPEED WAAAGHS.

Previous Answer

As of the latest Imperial Armour the Warboss on Warbike has both the SPEEDBOSS and WARBOSS keywords, and so it is able to declare either of the new WAAAGH! abilities. It can’t however declare both, or anything similar to a Great WAAAGH! It has to pick just the one of the two WAAAGH!s to use!

Trukk Boys and other Specialist Mobs in Transports

Starting with a pretty obvious one here… the Specialiast Mob rules state that the units they are used on lose their <CLAN> keyword, replacing it their new Specialist Mob keyword – whatever that may be.

Each time you upgrade one of these units, that unit gains the SPECIALIST MOB keyword, and you must replace that unit’s <CLAN> keyword with the appropriate keyword as described under that specialism.

Trukks now have SPECIALIST MOB INFANTRY added to their capacity rules!

Previous Answer

This means that, rules as written, none of these units are allowed to embark within an Ork Trukk because the capacity restrictions on those vehicles is limits to FLASH GITZ or <CLAN> INFANTRY models. I don’t tend to suggest rules be ignored but this is such an obvious mistake that I really would suggest it be discussed pregame as being house ruled until the FAQ (and that Tournament Organizers strongly look at adding a ruling for this), especially if we’re still a month out from the standalone book release, and even longer from the FAQ — we don’t know! Either that or Trukk Boyz are intended to be a unit that just does some really spot-on trukk sound impressions for the whole game. (Rob:Ā This is my headcanon for the unit now)

Dakkajet. Credit: Rockfish
Dakkajet. Credit: Rockfish

Kill Rig Stikka Kannon and Aircraft Minimum moves

There’s not really an answer to what happens with this yet. The Snagged rule doesn’t explain what to do if an Aircraft with a minimum move is unable to make that move.

Each time this model makes an attack with it’s stikka kannon, if an enemy VEHICLE or MONSTER model (excluding Titanic or Aircraft models) loses any wounds as a result of that attack, roll one D6: on a 4+, that enemy model cannot finish any type move more than 12″ from this model until the start of your next turn. If this model moves for any reason, or is destroyed, this effect ends. [Orks Codex – Kill Rig]

This actually resolves two issues that the rule had. Aircraft are not exempt from the effect entirely, so no more wondering what happens if they can’t make their minimum moves. However also it removes a secondary issue where it could use a combination of charging, piling in and consolidating to end up in a position where the snagged unit couldn’t possibly end a move within 12″ because it was too far away. Now the effect ends of the Kill Rig moves for any reason.

Previous Answer

Oddly, the default option for not being able to make a minimum move with an Aircraft is to place the unit into Strategic reserves, thanks in part to some odd wording on the rules. (Rob:Ā It kind of seems like Strategic Reserves part is only meant to apply to when the model crosses the edge of the battlefield, but I have to agree with this interpretation based on the wording).

If an Aircraft model cannot make its minimum move, or its minimum move would result in any part of that model (including its base) crossing the edge of the battlefield, then unless you are using the Strategic Reserves rule, that model is removed from the battlefield and counted as destroyed (if the Aircraft is a Transport, then any models currently embarked within are likewise counted as destroyed). The Strategic Reserves rule is described in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book. [Core Rules PDF pg13]


However putting a model into Strategic Reserves could very much be considered ending a move more than 12″ from the Kill Rig. The only saving grace at the minute is that this isn’t likely to be common: Kill Rigs are BS5+, will be hitting most Aircraft on 6+ and then need a 4+ to grab it. That’s a roughly an 8% chance, if you even have an Aircraft to shoot at, and to be an issue it needs to be unable to move its minimum move afterward. The Kill Rig isn’t a small model, so 12″ from it’s base is quite a large area – a diameter of approximately 26″ at least, more than the 20″ minimum most Aicraft have. “Let’s hope this doesn’t happen” is not really a solution, though. I think the two ways to play this are probably to allow players to put their Aircraft into Strategic Reserves still OR what I suspect might change in an Ork FAQ is to exclude models with a minimum move from being affected by this ability, similar to White Scars Master of Snares warlord trait.

When an enemy unit (other than a unit that contains a model with a minimum Move characteristic) within Engagement Range of this WARLORD is chosen to Fall Back, you can roll one D6: on a 4+, that unit cannot Fall Back this turn.


Brutal But Kunnin and Goffs Kultur… how do they interact?

So my suggestion turned out to be wrong, we now have a specific FAQ on this.

Q: When a Goff model with the Brutal but Kunnin Warlord Trait attacks, are any additional hits generated by the No Mukkinā€™ About clan kulture that donā€™t reach the Inflict Damage step counted when determining how many additional attacks can be made?

A: Yes. Note though, that when making additional attacks as a result of this Warlord Trait, no additional hits can then be generated due to the No Mukkinā€™ About kultur

So now looking at the rules again

BRUTAL BUT KUNNIN: Each time this WARLORD fights, if all of it’s attacks target one enemy unit, after resolving all of those attacks, it can make a number of additional attacks against that enemy unit equal to the number of attacks that did not reach the inflict damage step.

and Goffs ability

Each Time a model with this kultur makes a melee attack an unmodified hit roll of 6 scores 1 additional hit.

Any additional hits generated by the Goff Kultur are counted in the pool of attacks you check to potentially do again if they don’t reach the inflict damage step. Though when making these attacks again none of them can trigger the kultur this time around.

Previous Answer

It’s debatable because these are not additional hit roll attacks. However this FAQ does state several times that additional hit rolls or attacks can’t generate more. So myĀ suggestion – without a more specific FAQ – would be to bring this up pregame and I think the neatest approach is that if a Goff Warlord had lets say 6 attacks hitting on 2+, and they rolled 1,1,4,6,6 then those two 6s would generate two additional hits, for a total of 5 hits. I would keep the two from the 6s to one side though as these additional hits can’t generate further additional hits from Brutal But Kunnin. Resolve the 3 normal Hits and any of those that don’t reach the damage step would then generate extra attacks from Brutal But Kunnin.

Have any questions or feedback? Got a rules question you want answered? Drop us a note in the comments below, ask a question in ourĀ Ruleshammer form, or head over toĀ r/ruleshammerĀ to discuss.