Competitive Innovations in 10th: A Challenger Approaches pt.1

You’re all at it again, I see. It’s another bumper-sized 15-event week, so we’re once again going for three parts. Plenty of the usual suspects are out and about, slamming a last few games in the pre-dataslate world, but there’s also some ominous theme music playing, and a mysterious shadowed figure walking towards the Showdown arena. Wonder what’s up with that.

Perhaps we’ll find out today as I cover:

  • Squig City: Casino Royale
  • Frontier Open 2024
  • Kennedy-Con 40K
  • ValleyCon 2024
  • The Deck Box Masters Grand Tournament April 27th-28th

On Thursday a mix of your regular team and a grab-bag of guests will cover:

  • Ozcon GT
  • High Noon Showdown 2024
  • Warzone: Dice Goblin
  • Incursion Events 40K GT 27-28/04/2024
  • Red Dragon April GT
Finally, on Friday we’ll have Lowest of Men looking at:
  • 2024 St. Louis Annual Last Minute Tournament (SALT)
  • 4. Nurglemania (2-täger)
  • War At The Westward IV
  • Triple Cities GT @ Dragon Master Games
  • Saarhammer 40k #36 GT 2 Tage
Our showdowns are going to be:
  • Righteous Black Templars vs Chaos Knights at Squig City
  • Chaos Knights vs Aeldari at Warzone: Dice Goblin
  • Genestealer Cults vs Stormlance Space Wolves at SALT
Anyway, that music sure is getting louder. Oh my.

Squig City: Casino Royale

77-player, 5-round Grand Tournament in Pendleton, OR, United States on April 27 2024. All the lists for this event can be found in Best Coast Pairings.

The Showdown

Purge the Foe – Chilling Rain – Crucible of Battle

Campbell “SRM” McLaughlin – Black Templars (Righteous Crusaders)
Army List - Click to Expand

Pendleton (2000 Points)

Space Marines
Black Templars
Righteous Crusaders
Strike Force (2000 Points)


Captain (95 Points)
• 1x Heavy bolt pistol
1x Master-crafted power weapon
1x Relic Shield
• Enhancements: Perdition’s Edge

Castellan (65 Points)
• 1x Combi-weapon
1x Master-crafted power weapon

High Marshal Helbrecht (120 Points)
• Warlord
• 1x Ferocity
1x Sword of the High Marshals

Lieutenant (100 Points)
• 1x Master-crafted power weapon
1x Neo-volkite pistol
1x Storm Shield
• Enhancements: Tännhauser’s Bones

Lieutenant (65 Points)
• 1x Heavy bolt pistol
1x Master-crafted bolter
1x Power fist

Techmarine (65 Points)
• 1x Forge bolter
1x Grav-pistol
1x Omnissian power axe
1x Servo-arm
• Enhancements: Witchseeker Bolts


Intercessor Squad (80 Points)
• 1x Intercessor Sergeant
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Bolt rifle
1x Power fist
• 4x Intercessor
• 4x Bolt pistol
4x Bolt rifle
4x Close combat weapon

Primaris Crusader Squad (140 Points)
• 1x Primaris Sword Brother
• 1x Power weapon
1x Pyre pistol
• 5x Primaris Initiate
• 3x Astartes chainsword
5x Bolt pistol
5x Close combat weapon
5x Heavy bolt pistol
2x Power fist
• 4x Primaris Neophyte
• 4x Astartes chainsword
4x Bolt pistol

Primaris Crusader Squad (140 Points)
• 1x Primaris Sword Brother
• 1x Power weapon
1x Pyre pistol
• 5x Primaris Initiate
• 3x Astartes chainsword
5x Bolt pistol
5x Close combat weapon
5x Heavy bolt pistol
2x Power fist
• 4x Primaris Neophyte
• 4x Astartes chainsword
4x Bolt pistol


Black Templars Impulsor (85 Points)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Bellicatus missile array
1x Multi-melta
2x Storm bolter


Black Templars Gladiator Lancer (165 Points)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Icarus rocket pod
1x Lancer laser destroyer
1x Multi-melta
2x Storm bolter

Land Raider (240 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
2x Godhammer lascannon
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Multi-melta
1x Storm bolter
1x Twin heavy bolter

Land Raider Redeemer (260 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
2x Flamestorm cannon
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Multi-melta
1x Storm bolter
1x Twin assault cannon

Outrider Squad (80 Points)
• 1x Outrider Sergeant
• 1x Astartes chainsword
1x Heavy bolt pistol
1x Twin bolt rifle
• 2x Outrider
• 2x Astartes chainsword
2x Heavy bolt pistol
2x Twin bolt rifle

Primaris Sword Brethren (140 Points)
• 1x Sword Brother Castellan
• 1x Heavy bolt pistol
1x Master-crafted power weapon
• 4x Primaris Sword Brother
• 3x Heavy bolt pistol
2x Power weapon
1x Thunder hammer
1x Twin lightning claws

Storm Speeder Thunderstrike (160 Points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Stormfury missiles
1x Thunderstrike las-talon
1x Twin Icarus rocket pod

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Trenton Bates – Chaos Knights (Traitoris Lance)
Army List - Click to Expand

Sat Event (1990 Points)

Chaos Knights
Traitoris Lance
Strike Force (2000 Points)


Knight Rampager (420 Points)
• Warlord
• 1x Diabolus heavy stubber
1x Reaper chainsword
1x Warpstrike claw
• Enhancements: Panoply of the Cursed Knights


War Dog Brigand (170 Points)
• 1x Armoured feet
1x Avenger chaincannon
1x Daemonbreath spear
1x Havoc multi-launcher

War Dog Brigand (170 Points)
• 1x Armoured feet
1x Avenger chaincannon
1x Daemonbreath spear
1x Havoc multi-launcher

War Dog Brigand (170 Points)
• 1x Armoured feet
1x Avenger chaincannon
1x Daemonbreath spear
1x Havoc multi-launcher

War Dog Brigand (170 Points)
• 1x Armoured feet
1x Avenger chaincannon
1x Daemonbreath spear
1x Havoc multi-launcher

War Dog Brigand (170 Points)
• 1x Armoured feet
1x Avenger chaincannon
1x Daemonbreath spear
1x Havoc multi-launcher

War Dog Karnivore (140 Points)
• 1x Havoc multi-launcher
1x Reaper chaintalon
1x Slaughterclaw

War Dog Karnivore (140 Points)
• 1x Havoc multi-launcher
1x Reaper chaintalon
1x Slaughterclaw

War Dog Karnivore (140 Points)
• 1x Havoc multi-launcher
1x Reaper chaintalon
1x Slaughterclaw

War Dog Karnivore (140 Points)
• 1x Havoc multi-launcher
1x Reaper chaintalon
1x Slaughterclaw


Nurglings (40 Points)
• 3x Nurgling Swarm
• 3x Diseased claws and teeth

Nurglings (40 Points)
• 3x Nurgling Swarm
• 3x Diseased claws and teeth

Nurglings (40 Points)
• 3x Nurgling Swarm
• 3x Diseased claws and teeth

Nurglings (40 Points)
• 3x Nurgling Swarm
• 3x Diseased claws and teeth

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That’s right, our very own SRM has been getting steadily competitive-pilled since claiming a bracket trophy at the GW Open Tacoma last year, and this weekend he made it all the way to the finals of a major. This is great news for me, because it adds another person to the list who I can just make write their own showdowns – take it away Campbell:

SRM: I somehow himbo’d my way onto top table in Pendleton, drowning an embarrassment of C’tan in Lethal Hit chainsword attacks. I was crossing my fingers that I’d go up against Tarzan’s Gargantuan Squiggoth list in round 5, but got matched into Trenton’s Chaos Knights. My experience with Chaos Knights was a single game against a fairly soft list, so this was going to be an uphill battle.

My list does really well against armies with just a handful of important units. Between Oath of Moment and the killing power of all the Lethal Hits my army generates, I can pretty reliably cut down any piece of heavy armor in just one round of combat. The problem is when there are a bunch of medium sized units to deal with, and each of them is a credible threat that can drop one of my key assets in a single round of shooting or combat. As a result my normally durable army is shockingly fragile, and just about any force commitment is an overcommitment.

Aside from a bupkis hand of tactical cards, I felt good going into turn 1 – Trenton got first turn, meaning he had to expose at least a couple units to either angle shots onto my Land Raiders or do some actions on objectives. His big knight’s run roll whiffed so it stayed put instead of getting a nasty turn 1 charge. He scored A Tempting Target but his shooting bounced, and I was ready to clap back hard. The nature of Purge the Foe means you benefit from killing more enemy units in a turn than your opponent, and I overcommitted for those 8 points by yeeting Helbrecht and his boys into some Nurglings and a War Dog and picking them both up.

I got those first 8 points and nabbed an objective, but absolutely paid for it in round 2 when my main killing unit and their expensive Land Raider were left exposed and summarily picked apart. I couldn’t make an armor save to save my (or any of my little dudes’) life, and seemingly used up every successful Feel No Pain roll in my previous games. He got a pair of gimme cards and immediately made up for an unsuccessful first turn by blowing up the Kill Point Piñata that is Helbrecht’s squad, while in my own turn I was only able to kill his big Knight with a squad of Sword Brethren and some fire support from my reserve Storm Speeder, scoring me Assassinate and a small Secure No Man’s Land. Again, one of my key melee units was left out in the open, but if they hadn’t run out there I’d have a massive melee knight problem to deal with.

Going into 3 I was in a rough position. I was flustered, running out of killing power, and he was drawing easy sets of secondaries every single round. My dice were whiffing when I needed them to simply roll average, and the emotional rollercoaster of rolling snake eyes into boxcars into snake eyes every time I fired a gun that mattered was starting to take its toll. He was holding more objectives every turn, killing more of my units than I could kill back every turn, and getting all the right cards. I struggled with what to even do with a few of my units, leaving my Outriders and Intercessors in the backfield when they should have been skirmishing and screening my more valuable assets. Turn 3 I took out a pair of his War Dogs, but stupidly left my Godhammer Land Raider in melee with one of them in the hopes I could kill it with its lascannons. I could not, and I lost my Land Raider, which then exploded and cut its way through more of my stuff.

Round 4 saw him effectively win the game, but we kept playing through 5. I finally drew some scorable cards and did some damage, taking the central objective from one of his War Dogs with a combination of Grenades from my Outriders, Tank Shock from my Storm Speeder, and a few lucky chainsword attacks. It was too little too late, however, and that late influx of points wasn’t enough to tie it up.

Trenton kept a cool head throughout while I was getting flustered, and absolutely had a plan for every one of my units on the board and every card in the deck. I didn’t have the reps against Chaos Knights to be as familiar with the faction as I needed to be, and I made some boneheaded moves nearly every round. I should have started with the Storm Speeder and Gladiator on the board for more early game damage and put my cheaper backfield screening units further afield to get me some board control, and absolutely pulled back my Land Raider when it was stuck in combat. Well played by Trenton, and congrats to him for winning the event.


Chaos Knights (Traitoris Lance) Victory – 100 – 80

Trenton Bates – Chaos Knights (Traitoris Lance) – 1st Place

Knight Rampager. Credit: Rockfish
Knight Rampager. Credit: Rockfish

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

Sat Event (1990 Points)

Chaos Knights
Traitoris Lance
Strike Force (2000 Points)


Knight Rampager (420 Points)
• Warlord
• 1x Diabolus heavy stubber
1x Reaper chainsword
1x Warpstrike claw
• Enhancements: Panoply of the Cursed Knights


War Dog Brigand (170 Points)
• 1x Armoured feet
1x Avenger chaincannon
1x Daemonbreath spear
1x Havoc multi-launcher

War Dog Brigand (170 Points)
• 1x Armoured feet
1x Avenger chaincannon
1x Daemonbreath spear
1x Havoc multi-launcher

War Dog Brigand (170 Points)
• 1x Armoured feet
1x Avenger chaincannon
1x Daemonbreath spear
1x Havoc multi-launcher

War Dog Brigand (170 Points)
• 1x Armoured feet
1x Avenger chaincannon
1x Daemonbreath spear
1x Havoc multi-launcher

War Dog Brigand (170 Points)
• 1x Armoured feet
1x Avenger chaincannon
1x Daemonbreath spear
1x Havoc multi-launcher

War Dog Karnivore (140 Points)
• 1x Havoc multi-launcher
1x Reaper chaintalon
1x Slaughterclaw

War Dog Karnivore (140 Points)
• 1x Havoc multi-launcher
1x Reaper chaintalon
1x Slaughterclaw

War Dog Karnivore (140 Points)
• 1x Havoc multi-launcher
1x Reaper chaintalon
1x Slaughterclaw

War Dog Karnivore (140 Points)
• 1x Havoc multi-launcher
1x Reaper chaintalon
1x Slaughterclaw


Nurglings (40 Points)
• 3x Nurgling Swarm
• 3x Diseased claws and teeth

Nurglings (40 Points)
• 3x Nurgling Swarm
• 3x Diseased claws and teeth

Nurglings (40 Points)
• 3x Nurgling Swarm
• 3x Diseased claws and teeth

Nurglings (40 Points)
• 3x Nurgling Swarm
• 3x Diseased claws and teeth

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Rampager Walks some Dogs


Now, we obviously have an immediate blood feud against Trenton for taking down out champion, but taking a Rampager is still super cool and it’s great to see one on the top tables. Between Bloodlust and Knights of Shade you can be much cagier about staging it then striking than with most big Knights, and that maximises the chance of actually landing value from your big investment. The fact that its large aura also lets it soup up Karnivores from behind a wall helps bait opponents into a position where you can strike for great effect, and it’s clear that Trenton was able to really use this asset to his advantage. Congratulations on the win!

Joel Rodgers – Space Wolves (Stormlance Task Force) – 2nd Place (Undefeated)

Credit: “Contemptor” Kevin Stillman

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

Sons of Russ (2000 points)

Space Marines
Space Wolves
Strike Force (2000 points)
Stormlance Task Force


Librarian in Phobos Armour (70 points)
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Force weapon
1x Smite

Logan Grimnar on Stormrider (180 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Flurry of teeth and claws
1x Storm bolter
1x The Axe Morkai

Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Thunderwolf (80 points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Crushing teeth and claws
1x Storm Shield
1x Thunder hammer

Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Thunderwolf (80 points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Crushing teeth and claws
1x Storm Shield
1x Thunder hammer

Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Thunderwolf (80 points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Crushing teeth and claws
1x Storm Shield
1x Thunder hammer

Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf (100 points)
• 1x Crushing teeth and claws
1x Twin lightning claws


Intercessor Squad (80 points)
• 1x Intercessor Sergeant
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Bolt rifle
1x Power fist
• 4x Intercessor
• 1x Astartes grenade launcher
4x Bolt pistol
4x Bolt rifle
4x Close combat weapon


Hounds of Morkai (90 points)
• 1x Hound of Morkai Pack Leader
• 1x Morkai bolt pistol
1x Morkai combat knife
• 4x Hound of Morkai
• 4x Morkai bolt pistol
4x Morkai combat knife

Scout Squad (65 points)
• 1x Scout Sergeant
• 1x Astartes chainsword
1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
• 4x Scout
• 2x Astartes shotgun
4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
1x Missile launcher
1x Scout sniper rifle

Scout Squad (65 points)
• 1x Scout Sergeant
• 1x Astartes chainsword
1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
• 4x Scout
• 2x Astartes shotgun
4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
1x Missile launcher
1x Scout sniper rifle

Thunderwolf Cavalry (180 points)
• 1x Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack Leader
• 1x Crushing teeth and claws
1x Heirloom weapon
1x Plasma pistol
• 5x Thunderwolf Cavalry
• 5x Crushing teeth and claws
5x Heirloom weapon
5x Storm Shield

Thunderwolf Cavalry (180 points)
• 1x Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack Leader
• 1x Crushing teeth and claws
1x Heirloom weapon
1x Storm Shield
• 5x Thunderwolf Cavalry
• 5x Crushing teeth and claws
5x Heirloom weapon
5x Storm Shield

Thunderwolf Cavalry (180 points)
• 1x Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack Leader
• 1x Crushing teeth and claws
1x Heirloom weapon
1x Storm Shield
• 5x Thunderwolf Cavalry
• 5x Crushing teeth and claws
5x Heirloom weapon
5x Storm Shield

Wulfen (160 points)
• 1x Wulfen Pack Leader
• 1x Storm Shield
1x Stormfrag auto-launcher
1x Wulfen hammer
• 9x Wulfen
• 9x Storm Shield
9x Stormfrag auto-launcher
9x Wulfen hammer

Wulfen (160 points)
• 1x Wulfen Pack Leader
• 1x Storm Shield
1x Stormfrag auto-launcher
1x Wulfen hammer
• 9x Wulfen
• 9x Storm Shield
9x Stormfrag auto-launcher
9x Wulfen hammer

Wulfen (160 points)
• 1x Wulfen Pack Leader
• 1x Storm Shield
1x Stormfrag auto-launcher
1x Wulfen hammer
• 9x Wulfen
• 9x Storm Shield
9x Stormfrag auto-launcher
9x Wulfen hammer


Callidus Assassin (90 points)
• 1x Neural shredder
1x Phase sword and poison blades

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Stormlance Wulfenmaxxing


I highlighted in our Dataslate review that the lack of changes to the cost of Stormlance tools seemed pretty risky, and sure enough here it is going undefeated at a major before the other top builds catch some nerfs. This army does high speed pressure better than pretty much anyone else, and I expect it to be in contention for top dog post-dataslate. I think we’ll also see more of the Hounds of Morkai tech that’s on show here as well – they’re excellent in the Thousand Sons matchup, and that’s another faction who came out of the Dataslate looking strong. Well done to Joel for being the harbinger of things to come.

Tyler Bortel – Necrons (Hypercrypt Legion) – 3rd Place

C'tan Shard of the Void Dragon. Credit: Rockfish
C’tan Shard of the Void Dragon. Credit: Rockfish

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

“Why don’t you just play a good army?” (2000 points)

Strike Force (2000 points)
Hypercrypt Legion


Chronomancer (60 points)
• 1x Chronomancer’s stave
• Enhancement: Dimensional Overseer

Chronomancer (50 points)
• 1x Chronomancer’s stave

C’tan Shard of the Nightbringer (255 points)
• 1x Gaze of death
1x Scythe of the Nightbringer

C’tan Shard of the Void Dragon (270 points)
• 1x Canoptek tail blades
1x Spear of the Void Dragon
1x Voltaic storm

Illuminor Szeras (160 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Eldritch Lance
1x Impaling legs

Plasmancer (80 points)
• 1x Plasmic lance
• Enhancement: Arisen Tyrant

Transcendent C’tan (275 points)
• 1x Crackling tendrils
1x Seismic assault


Necron Warriors (200 points)
• 20x Necron Warrior
• 20x Close combat weapon
20x Gauss reaper

Necron Warriors (200 points)
• 20x Necron Warrior
• 20x Close combat weapon
20x Gauss reaper


Canoptek Scarab Swarms (40 points)
• 3x Canoptek Scarab Swarm
• 3x Feeder mandibles

Lokhust Destroyers (30 points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Gauss cannon

Lokhust Destroyers (30 points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Gauss cannon

Monolith (350 points)
• 4x Death ray
1x Particle whip
1x Portal of exile

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Warrior Hypercrypt


A mix of things that we’ll see more of and things that’ll show up less here, for my money. Obviously C’tan are great pre-dataslate, but taking three gets a lot dearer afterwards, and I suspect armies like this that want to have other stuff going on aren’t going to be able to. On the other hand, Warriors have been quietly putting up some good showings, and stayed level on price, so expect them to get a bit more of a runaround as Phaerons tinker with their builds – I know my army for my first post-dataslate event this weekend has some. Well done to Tyler for giving triple C’tan a good final (?) outing.

Joseph Hansen – Astra Militarum (Combined Regiment) – 4th Place

Field Ordinance Battery. Rockfish
Field Ordinance Battery. Rockfish

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

Perfectly balanced 1.0 (2000 Points)

Astra Militarum
Combined Regiment
Strike Force (2000 Points)


Gaunt’s Ghosts (100 Points)
• 1x Ibram Gaunt
• 1x Bolt Pistol
1x Gaunt’s chainsword
• 1x Colm Corbec
• 1x Corbec’s hot-shot lascarbine
1x Straight silver knife
• 1x Elim Rawne
• 1x Rawne’s lascarbine
1x Straight silver knife
• 1x Hlaine Larkin
• 1x Larkin’s long-las
1x Straight silver knife
• 1x ’Try Again’ Bragg
• 1x Bragg’s autocannon
1x Straight silver knife
• 1x Oan Mkoll
• 1x Lascarbine
1x Mkoll’s straight silver knife

Lord Solar Leontus (125 Points)
• Warlord
• 1x Conquest
1x Konstantin’s hooves
1x Sol’s Righteous Gaze

Platoon Command Squad (60 Points)
• 1x Platoon Commander
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Plasma pistol
1x Power fist
• 2x Veteran Guardsman
• 2x Close combat weapon
2x Lasgun
2x Laspistol
1x Master Vox
1x Regimental Standard
• 1x Veteran Heavy Weapons Team
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Laspistol
1x Mortar

Ursula Creed (55 Points)
• 1x Duty and Vengeance
1x Power weapon


Catachan Jungle Fighters (55 Points)
• 1x Jungle Fighter Sergeant
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Laspistol
• 9x Jungle Fighter
• 9x Close combat weapon
9x Lasgun


Chimera (70 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Chimera heavy bolter
1x Heavy bolter
1x Heavy stubber
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Lasgun array

Chimera (70 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Chimera heavy bolter
1x Heavy bolter
1x Heavy stubber
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Lasgun array


Bullgryn Squad (160 Points)
• 1x Bullgryn Bone ’ead
• 1x Brute Shield
1x Bullgryn maul
1x Close combat weapon
• 5x Bullgryn
• 5x Brute Shield
5x Bullgryn maul
5x Close combat weapon

Field Ordnance Battery (120 Points)
• 2x Ordnance Team
• 2x Battery close combat weapons
2x Bombast field gun
2x Lasgun
2x Laspistol

Field Ordnance Battery (120 Points)
• 2x Ordnance Team
• 2x Battery close combat weapons
2x Bombast field gun
2x Lasgun
2x Laspistol

Kasrkin (100 Points)
• 1x Kasrkin Sergeant
• 1x Plasma pistol
1x Power weapon
• 9x Kasrkin
• 9x Close combat weapon
3x Hot-shot lasgun
1x Hot-shot laspistol
1x Hot-shot marksman rifle
1x Melta Mine
2x Meltagun
2x Plasma gun
1x Vox-caster

Kasrkin (100 Points)
• 1x Kasrkin Sergeant
• 1x Plasma pistol
1x Power weapon
• 9x Kasrkin
• 9x Close combat weapon
3x Hot-shot lasgun
1x Hot-shot laspistol
1x Hot-shot marksman rifle
1x Melta Mine
2x Meltagun
2x Plasma gun
1x Vox-caster

Kasrkin (100 Points)
• 1x Kasrkin Sergeant
• 1x Plasma pistol
1x Power weapon
• 9x Kasrkin
• 9x Close combat weapon
3x Hot-shot lasgun
1x Hot-shot laspistol
1x Hot-shot marksman rifle
1x Melta Mine
2x Meltagun
2x Plasma gun
1x Vox-caster

Leman Russ Exterminator (180 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Exterminator autocannon
2x Heavy bolter
1x Heavy stubber
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Lascannon

Leman Russ Vanquisher (155 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Heavy stubber
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Lascannon
2x Plasma cannon
1x Vanquisher battle cannon

Leman Russ Vanquisher (155 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Heavy stubber
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Lascannon
2x Plasma cannon
1x Vanquisher battle cannon

Leman Russ Vanquisher (155 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
1x Heavy stubber
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Lascannon
2x Plasma cannon
1x Vanquisher battle cannon

Scout Sentinels (60 Points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Lascannon
1x Sentinel chainsaw

Scout Sentinels (60 Points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Lascannon
1x Sentinel chainsaw


Vanquisher Spam lmao


So I know I’ve been banging on about crunch meta a lot, but even I didn’t realise it had gotten so bad that you could unironically put three Leman Russ Vanquishers on the table and top four a major. What a time to be alive (or dead, if you’re a tank). The more “portable” takeaway here is the clever combo of Field Ordnance Batteries with a Russ Exterminator to push up their AP (as far as -3 if you add Overlapping Fields of Fire). Guard players are going to be on the look out for ways to optimise their spend on indirect, and it feels like there could be broader uses here, though it depends a lot on how much Stealth there is in the meta, as -1 to hit hurts them bad (since Indirect and Heavy already cancel out). Still always love seeing unusual units do well, so congratulations both for rounding out the top four, and also inflicting tremendous psychic damage on our group chat where the Vanquisher is the watchword for “bad unit”.

The Best of the Rest

There were 9 more players on 4-1 records. They were:

  • 5th – Campbell “SRM” McLaughlin – Black Templars (Righteous Crusaders): See showdown.
  • 6th – Steve Trimble – Black Templars (Gladius Task Force): Heavily mechanised GTF Termplars with two Land Raiders, one stuffed with Sword Brethren and the other with Eradicators, supported by Brethren Impulsors.
  • 7th – Tarzan – Orks: Badruk takes another ride out on his farewell tour, this time being ferried around by a Gargantuan Squiggoth.
  • 8th – Kilen Murphy – Necrons (Hypercrypt Legion): Double Warrior brick with a Monolith and a pair of C’tan.
  • 9th – Keaton Marschman – Necrons (Hypercrypt Legion): Double C’tan and double Immortals with a Monolith, plus a big Lokust unit.
  • 10th – Michael Kriegler – Adepta Sororitas: Hull-heavy Sisters with two each of Castigators and Exorcists, plus the Junith/Sacresant block.
  • 11th – Isaac Terada – Necrons (Hypercrypt Legion): Triple C’tan, double Warriors and Monolith.
  • 12th – Bailey Strom – Adeptus Custodes: Infantry spam.
  • 13th – Aaron Bang – Necrons (Canoptek Court): Double Doomstalker, double Wraiths, double C’tan, plus one Immortal squad.

Frontier Open 2024

48-player, 5-round Grand Tournament in Cheyenne, WY, US on April 27 2024. All the lists for this event can be found in Best Coast Pairings.

Colin Kay – Black Templars (Ironstorm Spearhead) – 1st Place

Black Templars Techmarine. Credit: SRM

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

1,2,3,4 I declare a Repulsor War (Is this what they meant by building your list for fixed?) (2000 Points)

Space Marines
Black Templars
Ironstorm Spearhead
Strike Force (2000 Points)


High Marshal Helbrecht (120 Points)
• 1x Ferocity
1x Sword of the High Marshals

Lieutenant with Combi-weapon (70 Points)
• 1x Combi-weapon
1x Paired combat blades

Lieutenant with Combi-weapon (70 Points)
• 1x Combi-weapon
1x Paired combat blades

Lieutenant with Combi-weapon (90 Points)
• 1x Combi-weapon
1x Paired combat blades
• Enhancements: Master of Machine War (Aura)

Techmarine (80 Points)
• Warlord
• 1x Forge bolter
1x Grav-pistol
1x Omnissian power axe
1x Servo-arm
• Enhancements: Adept of the Omnissiah

Techmarine (95 Points)
• 1x Forge bolter
1x Grav-pistol
1x Omnissian power axe
1x Servo-arm
• Enhancements: Target Augury Web (Aura)


Black Templars Repulsor Executioner (235 Points)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Heavy laser destroyer
1x Heavy onslaught gatling cannon
1x Icarus rocket pod
1x Multi-melta
1x Repulsor Executioner defensive array
1x Twin Icarus ironhail heavy stubber
1x Twin heavy bolter

Gladiator Lancer (160 Points)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Icarus rocket pod
1x Ironhail heavy stubber
1x Lancer laser destroyer
2x Storm bolter

Gladiator Lancer (160 Points)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Icarus rocket pod
1x Ironhail heavy stubber
1x Lancer laser destroyer
2x Storm bolter

Land Raider Redeemer (260 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
2x Flamestorm cannon
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Multi-melta
1x Storm bolter
1x Twin assault cannon

Repulsor Executioner (220 Points)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Heavy laser destroyer
1x Heavy onslaught gatling cannon
1x Icarus rocket pod
1x Ironhail heavy stubber
1x Repulsor Executioner defensive array
1x Twin Icarus ironhail heavy stubber
1x Twin heavy bolter

Repulsor Executioner (220 Points)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Heavy laser destroyer
1x Heavy onslaught gatling cannon
1x Icarus rocket pod
1x Ironhail heavy stubber
1x Repulsor Executioner defensive array
1x Twin Icarus ironhail heavy stubber
1x Twin heavy bolter

Repulsor Executioner (220 Points)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Heavy laser destroyer
1x Heavy onslaught gatling cannon
1x Icarus rocket pod
1x Ironhail heavy stubber
1x Repulsor Executioner defensive array
1x Twin Icarus ironhail heavy stubber
1x Twin heavy bolter

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RepEx Rampage


Big Marine tanks. Many big Marine tanks, specifically, you get to do a bit where you can have four RepExes on the table thanks to the Templar ones being a different datasheet, and continuing the theme of psychic damage the mere concept of this will ripple back through time and obliterate the psyche of anyone playing in early 2020. Here and now, it’s another good player for crunch meta, as unless you have fully committed to the bit you are absolutely not winning a gun fight against this. Congratulations Colin.

Cody Jiru – Drukhari (Skysplinter Assault) – 2nd Place (Undefeated)

Credit: Wings

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

Clubbing seals and chewing bubble gum… and I’m all out of bubble gum (2000 points)

Strike Force (2000 points)
Skysplinter Assault


Archon (95 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Blast pistol
1x Huskblade
• Enhancement: Phantasmal Smoke

Archon (95 points)
• 1x Blast pistol
1x Huskblade
• Enhancement: Nightmare Shroud

Beastmaster (115 points)
• 1x Beastmaster
• 1x Agoniser
1x Splinter pods
• Enhancement: Spiteful Raider
• 1x Clawed Fiend
• 1x Clawed Fiend fists
• 2x Khymerae
• 2x Khymerae talons
• 3x Razorwing Flock
• 3x Razorwing feathers

Beastmaster (105 points)
• 1x Beastmaster
• 1x Agoniser
1x Splinter pods
• 1x Clawed Fiend
• 1x Clawed Fiend fists
• 2x Khymerae
• 2x Khymerae talons
• 3x Razorwing Flock
• 3x Razorwing feathers

Beastmaster (105 points)
• 1x Beastmaster
• 1x Agoniser
1x Splinter pods
• 1x Clawed Fiend
• 1x Clawed Fiend fists
• 2x Khymerae
• 2x Khymerae talons
• 3x Razorwing Flock
• 3x Razorwing feathers

Drazhar (75 points)
• 1x The Executioner’s demiklaives


Kabalite Warriors (110 points)
• 1x Sybarite
• 1x Phantasm grenade launcher
1x Splinter rifle
1x Sybarite weapon
• 9x Kabalite Warrior
• 1x Blaster
9x Close combat weapon
1x Dark lance
1x Shredder
1x Splinter cannon
5x Splinter rifle


Raider (80 points)
• 1x Bladevanes
1x Dark lance

Venom (70 points)
• 1x Bladevanes
1x Splinter cannon
1x Splinter cannon


Court of the Archon (85 points)
• 1x Lhamaean
• 1x Shaimeshi blade
• 1x Medusae
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Eyeburst
• 1x Sslyth
• 1x Shardcarbine
1x Splinter pistol
1x Sslyth battle-blade
• 1x Ur-ghul
• 1x Ur-ghul talons

Cronos (50 points)
• 1x Spirit syphon
1x Spirit vortex
1x Spirit-leech tentacles

Cronos (50 points)
• 1x Spirit syphon
1x Spirit vortex
1x Spirit-leech tentacles

Incubi (150 points)
• 9x Incubi
• 9x Klaive
• 1x Klaivex
• 1x Demiklaives

Incubi (75 points)
• 4x Incubi
• 4x Klaive
• 1x Klaivex
• 1x Demiklaives

Mandrakes (65 points)
• 1x Nightfiend
• 1x Baleblast
1x Glimmersteel blade
• 4x Mandrake
• 4x Baleblast
4x Glimmersteel blade

Mandrakes (65 points)
• 1x Nightfiend
• 1x Baleblast
1x Glimmersteel blade
• 4x Mandrake
• 4x Baleblast
4x Glimmersteel blade

Scourges (110 points)
• 1x Solarite
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Shardcarbine
1x Solarite weapon
• 4x Scourge
• 4x Close combat weapon
4x Dark lance

Scourges (110 points)
• 1x Solarite
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Shardcarbine
1x Solarite weapon
• 4x Scourge
• 4x Close combat weapon
4x Dark lance

Talos (160 points)
• 2x Talos
• 2x Talos gauntlet
2x Twin Drukhari haywire blaster
2x Twin liquifier gun

Tantalus (230 points)
• 1x Dire scythe blades
1x Pulse disintegrators

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Tantalus Skysplinter


It’s Skysplinter, but somehow manages to be fairly durable. Unsurprisingly, being able to drop a 4+ Invulnerable save and a reactive move on a Tantalus makes it a really strong centrepiece in Skysplinter, and alongside the presence of a Talos unit it gives this list far more spine than the average Drukhari setup. It does also have the cute effect of being a Transport that’s actually big enough to hold a Kabalite unit with a Court and Archon attached, which is a unit with lots of potential cool applications that’s normally shot down by not fitting in any of the boats. Here they can rampage to their heart’s content, also benefitting from Cover via Phantasmal Smoke if they hop out to turn on Skyborne Annihilation. Definitely like seeing a serious commitment to what the Tantalus can bring to the table here, good job Cody.

The Best of the Rest

There were 5 more players on 4-1 records. They were:

  • 3rd – Tucker Rickey – Genestealer Cult (Ascension Day): Cult with two big blocks each of Acolytes and Neophytes, using the spare points to go in on the Aberrant plan.
  • 4th – Brandon Roddy – Blood Angels (Vanguard Spearhead): An interesting spin on Vanguard, using two big units of Death Company to take advantage of the skirmishing tricks (along with a full Dev Centurion squad, naturally).
  • 5th – Mike Pestilens – Chaos Space Marines: A comedy triple Land Raider build, where the joke is that some of them are full of Traitor Guardsmen.
  • 6th – Tom Cohen – Necrons (Hypercrypt Legion): C’tan and Lokhust Heavy-heavy Hypercrypt.
  • 7th – Matt Evans – Blood Angels (Sons of Sanguinius): Aggro Sons, with a big block each of foot and flying Death Company, the foot ones in a Land Raider.

Kennedy-Con 40K

44-player, 5-round Grand Tournament in Cedar Rapids, IA, US on April 27 2024. All the lists for this event can be found in Best Coast Pairings.

Kyle McCord – Black Templars (Gladius Task Force) – 1st Place

Black Templars Eradicators. Credit: SRM

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

Jack Templars Payback Brigade (2000 points)

Space Marines
Black Templars
Strike Force (2000 points)
Gladius Task Force


Apothecary Biologis (85 points)
• 1x Absolvor bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
• Enhancement: Fire Discipline

High Marshal Helbrecht (120 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Ferocity
1x Sword of the High Marshals

Judiciar (70 points)
• 1x Absolvor bolt pistol
1x Executioner relic blade

The Emperor’s Champion (75 points)
• 1x Black Sword
1x Bolt Pistol


Black Templars Impulsor (85 points)
• 1x Armoured hull
2x Fragstorm grenade launcher
1x Multi-melta
1x Shield dome

Black Templars Impulsor (85 points)
• 1x Armoured hull
2x Fragstorm grenade launcher
1x Multi-melta
1x Shield dome


Black Templars Gladiator Valiant (155 points)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Icarus rocket pod
2x Multi-melta
1x Multi-melta
1x Twin las-talon

Black Templars Gladiator Valiant (155 points)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Icarus rocket pod
2x Multi-melta
1x Multi-melta
1x Twin las-talon

Eradicator Squad (190 points)
• 1x Eradicator Sergeant
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Melta rifle
• 5x Eradicator
• 5x Bolt pistol
5x Close combat weapon
3x Melta rifle
2x Multi-melta

Inceptor Squad (130 points)
• 1x Inceptor Sergeant
• 1x Assault bolters
1x Close combat weapon
• 2x Inceptor
• 2x Assault bolters
2x Close combat weapon

Land Raider Redeemer (260 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
2x Flamestorm cannon
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Multi-melta
1x Storm bolter
1x Twin assault cannon

Primaris Sword Brethren (140 points)
• 1x Sword Brother Castellan
• 1x Combi-weapon
1x Master-crafted power weapon
• 4x Primaris Sword Brother
• 1x Plasma pistol
2x Power weapon
2x Pyre pistol
1x Thunder hammer
1x Twin lightning claws

Primaris Sword Brethren (140 points)
• 1x Sword Brother Castellan
• 1x Combi-weapon
1x Master-crafted power weapon
• 4x Primaris Sword Brother
• 1x Plasma pistol
2x Power weapon
2x Pyre pistol
1x Thunder hammer
1x Twin lightning claws

Primaris Sword Brethren (140 points)
• 1x Sword Brother Castellan
• 1x Combi-weapon
1x Master-crafted power weapon
• 4x Primaris Sword Brother
• 1x Plasma pistol
2x Power weapon
2x Pyre pistol
1x Thunder hammer
1x Twin lightning claws

Scout Squad (65 points)
• 1x Scout Sergeant
• 1x Astartes chainsword
1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
• 4x Scout
• 2x Astartes shotgun
4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
1x Heavy bolter
1x Scout sniper rifle

Scout Squad (65 points)
• 1x Scout Sergeant
• 1x Astartes chainsword
1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
• 4x Scout
• 2x Astartes shotgun
4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
1x Heavy bolter
1x Scout sniper rifle


Inquisitorial Henchmen (40 points)
• 4x Inquisitorial Acolyte
• 4x Acolyte firearm
4x Acolyte melee weapon
1x Eviscerator
1x Plasma pistol

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Gladius Templars


Clearly some sort of great Black Templars rallying cry went out this weekend and I missed the memo. This is a bit more of a conventional combined arms Templar list, leaning on the combo of their extra efficient Lancers and the powerful threat of an Advance/Charge turn from lots of Sword Brethren in GTF. Add in Eradicators out of the Raider to upset C’tan, and you’re definitely cooking, as Kyle showcased here.

The Best of the Rest

There were 6 more players on 4-1+ records. They were:

  • 2nd (4.5) – Jeff Steenbarger – Necrons (Hypercrypt Legion): C’tan/Doomsday/Wraith Hypercrypt, plus an enmitic Lokhust Heavy squad to scythe through Infantry.
  • 3rd – Devin Orchard – Necrons (Canoptek Court): Triple Wraiths, triple Doomstalker, double Immortals.
  • 4th – Matthew Runde – Chaos Space Marines (Slaves to Darkness): Gunline tanks with Abaddon, plus a double Legionary Rhino spliced up with some Masters of Execution.
  • 5th – Nicholas Bialek – Genestealer Cult: 2 and 2 of big Infantry units, Aberrants, and some Purestrains for early utility.
  • 6th – John Vuchetich – Necrons (Hypercrypt Legion):  Double C’tan, triple Immortals and a Monolith.
  • 7th – Zachary Moore – Necrons (Hypercrypt Legion): A slightly more go-wide build, cutting a C’tan and downgrading some Immortals to Warriors to add some Lokhust Heavies and lots of Flayed Ones.

ValleyCon 2024

37-player, 5-round Grand Tournament in Upper Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand on April 26 2024. All the lists for this event can be found in Best Coast Pairings.

Matt van Wijk – Grey Knights (Teleport Strike Force) – 1st Place

Grey Knight Nemesis Dreadknight. Credit: Colin Ward

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

GK (2000 points)

Where are the terminators?

Grey Knights
Strike Force (2000 points)
Teleport Strike Force


Brother-Captain Stern (90 points)
• 1x Nemesis force sword
1x Storm bolter

Brotherhood Techmarine (60 points)
• 1x Boltgun
1x Flamer
1x Omnissian power axe
1x Plasma cutter
1x Servo-arms

Brotherhood Techmarine (75 points)
• 1x Boltgun
1x Flamer
1x Omnissian power axe
1x Plasma cutter
1x Servo-arms
• Enhancement: Inescapable Wrath

Brotherhood Techmarine (80 points)
• 1x Boltgun
1x Flamer
1x Omnissian power axe
1x Plasma cutter
1x Servo-arms
• Enhancement: Domina Liber Daemonica

Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight (230 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Heavy incinerator
1x Heavy psycannon
1x Nemesis daemon greathammer
• Enhancement: Sigil of Exigence


Strike Squad (125 points)
• 1x Justicar
• 1x Nemesis force weapon
1x Storm bolter
• 4x Grey Knight
• 1x Close combat weapon
3x Nemesis force weapon
1x Psilencer
3x Storm bolter


Grey Knights Land Raider Redeemer (260 points)
• 1x Armoured tracks
2x Flamestorm cannon
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Multi-melta
1x Storm bolter
1x Twin assault cannon

Nemesis Dreadknight (185 points)
• 1x Heavy incinerator
1x Heavy psycannon
1x Nemesis daemon greathammer

Nemesis Dreadknight (185 points)
• 1x Heavy incinerator
1x Heavy psycannon
1x Nemesis daemon greathammer

Nemesis Dreadknight (185 points)
• 1x Heavy incinerator
1x Heavy psycannon
1x Nemesis daemon greathammer


Callidus Assassin (90 points)
• 1x Neural shredder
1x Phase sword and poison blades

Canis Rex (435 points)
• 1x Chainbreaker las-impulsor
1x Chainbreaker multi-laser
1x Freedom’s Hand

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Ultracrunch Grey Knights


Where are the Terminators? Riding in Dreadknights, obviously. Anyway, this build was a harbinger of crunch meta, and it’s still going strong in the final stages of the meta that was. I do like the play of including Brother Captain Stern, as given how short this list is on Infantry it’s nice to have a single model that can potentially survive to pull off Action Secondaries on several consecutive turns between his inbuilt revival, Mists of Deimos and Haloed in Soulfire. Cool piece of tech, elevating this variant above the pack – well done Matt!

The Best of the Rest

There were 6 more players on 4-1 records. They were:

  • 2nd – Courtney Thomson – Thousand Sons (Cult of Magic): Lots of Tsons stalwarts, but also the extra curveball of a full 20-model Tzaangor unit with an Umbralefic Crystal-bearing Shaman.
  • 3rd – Steve Joll – Imperial Knights (Noble Lance): Maximum aggro with Canis, a Lancer and lots of Warglaives.
  • 4th – Shane Rongonui – Aeldari (Battle Host): A left-field bike-themed build here, maxing out on Windriders and peppering in some Shroud Runners, Shining Spears and Vypers. Also has Hornets, which I guess we can make honorary bikes.
  • 5th – Michael Stewart – Necrons (Hypercrypt Legion): Triple Immortals with two Monoliths.
  • 6th – Matthew Searle – Astra Militarum: A tank-skewed variant on the standard Guard tools, adding a second Tank Commander and going for two each of Manticores and Basilisks.
  • 7th – Josh Lloyd- Necrons (Hypercrypt Legion): Five C’tan fiesta.

The Deck Box Masters Grand Tournament April 27th-28th

27-player, 5-round Grand Tournament in Halifax, NS, CA on April 27 2024. All the lists for this event can be found in Best Coast Pairings.

Matthew Reeson – Necrons (Canoptek Court) – 1st Place

The List

Army List - Click to Expand

Canoptek v.02 (2000 Points)

Canoptek Court
Strike Force (2000 Points)


C’tan Shard of the Nightbringer (255 Points)
• 1x Gaze of death
1x Scythe of the Nightbringer

C’tan Shard of the Void Dragon (270 Points)
• 1x Canoptek tail blades
1x Spear of the Void Dragon
1x Voltaic storm

Illuminor Szeras (160 Points)
• Warlord
• 1x Eldritch Lance
1x Impaling legs

Overlord with Translocation Shroud (85 Points)
• 1x Overlord’s blade
1x Resurrection Orb

Plasmancer (70 Points)
• 1x Plasmic lance
• Enhancements: Autodivinator

Technomancer (60 Points)
• 1x Staff of light

Technomancer (60 Points)
• 1x Staff of light


Immortals (140 Points)
• 10x Immortal
• 10x Close combat weapon
10x Tesla carbine


Canoptek Doomstalker (135 Points)
• 1x Doomsday blaster
1x Doomstalker limbs
1x Twin gauss flayer

Canoptek Doomstalker (135 Points)
• 1x Doomsday blaster
1x Doomstalker limbs
1x Twin gauss flayer

Canoptek Reanimator (75 Points)
• 2x Atomiser beam
1x Reanimator’s claws

Canoptek Scarab Swarms (40 Points)
• 3x Canoptek Scarab Swarm
• 3x Feeder mandibles

Canoptek Spyders (75 Points)
• 1x Automaton claws
1x Fabricator Claw Array (Aura)
1x Gloom Prism (Aura)
2x Particle beamer

Canoptek Wraiths (220 Points)
• 6x Canoptek Wraith
• 6x Particle caster
6x Vicious claws

Canoptek Wraiths (220 Points)
• 6x Canoptek Wraith
• 6x Particle caster
6x Vicious claws

Exported with App Version: v1.12.0 (35), Data Version: v357




Look we have to have one Necron event win pre-Dataslate, it would feel wrong otherwise. Lots of standard Canoptek toys here, and the main thing worth highlighting is that yes, it really is worth bringing Szeras along to buff one Immortal unit, because combining AP-1 with No Cover from Solar Pulse make such a huge difference to what they can target. Also like seeing a Reanimator here – I expect to see them out considerably more post-dataslate as people look to make their units go further. Great work from Matthew.

The Best of the Rest

There were 5 more players on 4-1 records. They were:

  • 2nd – Leonard Wall – Necrons (Canoptek Court): Double C’tan, double Wraith, triple Doomstalker.
  • 3rd – Andrew Manuel – Blood Angels (Sons of Sanguinius): Jump pack-tacular, plus a Redeemer full of Assault Intercessors.
  • 4th – Mike Chapeau – Imperial Knights (Noble Lance): Scorching hot pressure from a teleporting Knight Valiant, with Canis riding shotgun.
  • 5th – Nathan Chow – Astra Militarum: Lots of the standard toys, extra artillery from Medusas, plus a big Scion squad for a nasty surprise.

Wrap Up