How to Paint Ravenwing – Greg Chiasson’s Method

This article is part of a larger series on how to paint Dark Angels space marines. For more on painting Dark Angels, you can return to that series by clicking this link.

The Ravenwing weren’t really part of my original all-Terminator plan for my Dark Angels, but along the way I picked up some bikes and a pair of the flyers shortly after they released. And along the way I picked up a third, which became my second Stormtalon bomber, after TheChirurgeon got sick of me refusing to field a better list for NOVA 2019 and crowing about having nothing I needed to paint.

I’ll be honest, I’m extremely lazy with this:

Credit: Greg Chiasson

  1. Prime black
  2. Edge highlight VGC Cold Grey
  3. Do a smaller edge highlight just on the edges of sharp corners, of VGC Stonewall Grey.
  4. On the Ravenwing logos and wing motifs I like to paint them white, and then hit the area with Basilicanum Grey Contrast. I’ve since changed my stock white recipe to be VGC Ghost Grey, washed black, and highlit with VGC White.
  5. Paint all the details – gun casings, chest eagles, gold and metallic details, etc. – the same way you would above. That consistency across the different wings is really important, to tie them all together and keep an army with a mix of green/white/black units actually looking cohesive.

I panel-lined this with a brown pen.

Ravenwing Aircraft

On flyers, I paint the bottom of the model using the Deathwing armor recipe (you can find that article here). I like the variation this gives, so the flyer isn’t just solid black. It’s worth spraying the basecoat on here, if you can – I like to spray prime the entire model bone, let it dry, then mask off the bottom and the design on top of the wings and spray black back over the top and sides. The time spent tediously masking is a pain, but I promise it’ll pay off when you compare it to having to cover white with black, or vice versa. Except for on bikes and Landspeeders, where don’t paint the bottom at all. No one ever sees it, so who cares.

Dark Angels. Credit: Greg Chiasson

This article is part of a larger series on how to paint Dark Angels space marines. For more on painting Dark Angels, you can return to that series by clicking this link.