ashes of malifaux

Goonhammer’s Ashes of Malifaux Review Part 8: The Ten Thunders

That's it!  We've shot the chutes and climbed the ladders, we've slogged through bog and sewer and stepped through high society.  Now it's time to retire to the smoking parlors and tea houses of the Little Kingdom and find...

Goonhammer’s Ashes of Malifaux Review Part 7: The Resurrectionists

Home stretch!  We’re leaving behind the arid Badlands for the dank and dripping sewers – it’s time to see what the Resurrectionists are up to. Leftovers McMourning and von Schtook are both artists, and dead flesh is their canvas.  Like all...

Goonhammer’s Ashes of Malifaux Review Part 6: The Outcasts

We're closing in on the final leg here in our Ashes review.  Last time, we explored the forests and fens of Malifaux to spy on the Neverborn.  Now, we're going out to the wide-open spaces - the Badlands, the...

Goonhammer’s Ashes of Malifaux Review Part 5: The Neverborn

We've seen the Arcanists and their nemesis, the Guild; we've visited the high society of the Explorers and the depths of the Bayou.  Time to venture into the wilds and see what Ashes of Malifaux has brought the Neverborn. Crookskins Mimics...

Goonhammer’s Ashes of Malifaux Review Part 4: The Guild

Welcome to the Guild Enclave, where Governor-General Marlow has his hands full.  The previous incumbent is still soaring around out there as the Burning Man, and while Fate gathers its pawns, the Guild tries desperately to maintain order.  We've...