tomb kings

Wargames Atlantic Skeleton Cavalry and Chariot Review

When Lenoon messaged me to review a kit from Wargames Atlantic I thought for a few minutes that he was finally tricking me into Historical Wargaming. Instead, and much to my relief, he asked if I'd review their skeleton...

Old Worlders: A Tale of Five Gamers

We kick off a new series following six players building armies and returning to The Old World.

Arcane Journal: Tomb Kings of Khemri Review

"Now make ready your weapons, my soldiers, for the time is at hand. Go forth, I command you go forth in haste and march with your king into the darkness of the tomb. Make great the name of Settra...

Warhammer The Old World – Expanding on the Tomb Kings Starter Box

Liam Jordan looks at how to expand your shiny new Tomb King starter set up to 2000 point games.

Kings of War’s Empire of Dust: Playing with the Big Boys Now

G’day Goonhammer readers! While we’ve been busy practicing our skills and preparing for an upcoming tournament, Mantic Games have continued to work those resin mines and have previewed some more of the upcoming range refresh for the Empire of...

Kings of War’s Empire of Dust: True Kings of the Tombs

G’day Goonhammer readers! It’s been quite a week for Mantic, with all kinds of hot releases coming out. The Umbrella Academy Board Game was launched on Gamefound, but that wasn’t enough for Mantic. They opened the tombs and revealed...