Garrett "John Condit" Severson

The Narrative Forge: Fixing the Rules and Missions of the Grand Narrative

We talk about the missions and rules from the 2024 Grand Narrative and how you can adapt them to your campaign to be a bit more workable and balanced.

Codex Blood Angels 10th Edition: The Crusade Rules Review

In the 9th Edition of Codex: Blood Angels, the Crusade rules were all about your noble and graceful Sons of Sanguinius being one step away from a bad cheese-induced daydream about some chap called Horus, having the Red Mist...

Codex Imperial Agents 10th Edition: The Crusade Rules Review

Codex: Imperial Agents is here, and while we're a bit divided over what its impact is likely to be from a more competitive perspective, one thing everyone here at Goonhammer agrees on is that Agents include some of the...

Boarding Actions 10th Edition Compendium Review: Xenos Factions

Rather than try and cover every Detachment in the upcoming 10th edition Boarding Actions Compendium in a single article, we've broken the review of the book's detachments down into the game's three broad superfactions: Imperium, Chaos, and Xenos. In...

Codex: Genestealer Cults 10th Edition: the Crusade Rules Review

The Genestealer Cults have emerged from hiding to set all of the Imperium on the Path to Ascension. We’ve already looked at how the faction is likely to stack up in matched play, so now it’s time to take...

Codex: Chaos Space Marines 10th Edition Crusade – The Goonhammer Review

You've read through the review of Codex: Chaos Space Marines. You've pored over each of the detachment reviews to find your favorite. You've even spied on the enemy's thoughts on how to foil your best-laid plans. Now it's time...

Getting Started with Legions Imperialis – Solar Auxilia Tactics

We dive into the basics of the Solar Auxilia - what makes them work and what you need to know about playing them.

Legions Imperialis: The Great Slaughter – The Goonhammer Review: Solar Auxilia

The Solar Auxilia get three new Formations and seven new Detachments in this supplement, and the formations range from decent to incredibly good and the detachments cover the full spread from terrible to "Achilles Leaves His Tent." So let's...

Legions Imperialis: The Great Slaughter – The Goonhammer Review: Legiones Astartes

Drop pods, Spartans, and Jetbikes, oh my! The Great Slaughter provides plenty of new stuff for Legions Imperalis players to sink their teeth into, and we're here to talk about the new additions to the Legiones Astartes. Thanks as ever...

Pariah Nexus – The Nephilim War Crusade Rules Review

Pariah Nexus is the campaign supplement Games Workshop should have published when 10th edition launched.

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Detachment Focus: Scintillating Legion (Updated February 17, 2025)

Merry Grotmas! Games Workshop is releasing a new series of detachments - one per army, every day until Christmas....
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