
Goonhammer Careers: How to afford the Hams – Welding

Hello, fellow hobby enthusiasts! Have you ever found yourself 99% short of being able to afford that Bio-Titan and wondered how on earth do people afford these damn things?  You are in luck!  There is a cool as hell...

Wheat City Open battle report: Space Wolves

Hello! I'm back and today I am here to report on my first two-day event since October of 2021. I have been theory crafting a lot of wolves lists in my time away from playing as I adjusted to...

Arks of Omen Faction Focus: Space Wolves

With a new batch of rules updates comes the need to revisit the strategies and tactics of each faction. Today JONK! is talking about the changes to marines and how they affect Space Wolves armies. Welcome to Arks of Omen!...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: October 25, 2022 Part 2: Some More 40k, As A Treat

Hello again, and welcome back to more of my incredibly helpful thoughts on the state of the 40k meta. Wings is technically back from vacation, but I have performed the requisite incantations and warding to prevent him from taking this...

JONK’s 2021 Year-in-Review

Hello again! Today I am here to discuss my year and review some of the highs and lows and go back over some of the articles I wrote this year in case you missed it when it first published....

Content We Liked: December 5th, 2021 – How to Pet Everything Edition

This week Rob is off in Dallas reporting from the ground on the big event and has left me in charge of Content we like, so naturally I endeavor to ignore all of the guidelines given to me for...

Battle Report: A Deed Worthy of Legend: 5-0 performance at IWTS Open

Hello internet, it's JONK again. This time I am here to talk with you about the GT I just organized, ran and competed in on August 21st and 22nd in Brandon, Manitoba.  After the last series of articles I...

Building a Saga, Part 1: The path to personal victories

Over the last four years we've put together many articles that give players the tools to improve on their own when it comes to Warhammer 40k - our Start Competing series is easily the largest and longest-running of these....

Returning to competitive play, the covid saga

Hello again internet, I am taking a break from filling Competitive innovations with salt as Wing's stand-in and instead am here to discuss an experience many of us will have to deal with in the coming months: Showing up...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Rocky Top Rumble and Copenhammer

Welcome back to another Competitive Innovations in 9th, where each week we look at the top competitive lists at the big events of the prior weekend. This week James "One Wing" Grover is out, recuperating from the stress of...

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Detachment Focus: Scintillating Legion (Updated February 17, 2025)

Merry Grotmas! Games Workshop is releasing a new series of detachments - one per army, every day until Christmas....
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