
Going Beyond the Battlehosts – Starting Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game

So GW have basically given Middle Earth Strategy Battle Games Start Collecting boxes for four factions: Gondor, Mordor, Rohan and Isengard. These are all popular armies with plastic troops and cavalry, and new plastic character kits. GW have created...

KT Annual Review: Elucidian Starstriders – Rogue Traders are Back, Baby

Well they’re back. First appearing in Kill Team: Rogue Trader, a narrative-based Kill Team supplement back in 2018, the team was based on John Blanche artwork, and the miniatures were designed before Kill Team 2018 was developed (they were...

Kill Team Into the Dark Review: Farstalker Kinband – Kroot come to Kill Team

So Kroot are back, with new plastic models and options. Kroot were originally launched in late third edition with a plastic kit alongside the release of Codex: T'au, with metal Kroot Hounds and Krootox. These were options you bought...

The Games Workshop NOVA 2022 Preview Roundtable

The Northern Virginia (NOVA) convention is back this year and GW's back at the event, hosting another big reveal to show off upcoming releases for many of its major game systems. As always we've Got Takes about the releases...

Kill Team Summer – Let’s get ready to go Into The Dark

Games Workshop have just launched their new additions to the Contrast range and have started previewing Into the Dark, which is the 2nd phase of Kill Team 2nd edition. So by the end of September, we’ll be painting up...

Knights in Warhammer 40,000 – a history of chivalry

In A History of Miniature Violence, we look at the history of wargames, examining different factions, games, and concepts over the years. Today we're looking at the history of Knights in Warhammer 40,000, colossal war machines piloted by members...

The Squats – The Story of Thicness

With GW’s announcement that Squats are returning, it felt like a good time to have a detailed look at the history of Squats, or Space Dwarves, in 40k. The Squats are a faction with a very weird and spotty...

The Laughter of the Dark Gods – Legionaries in Kill Team

So we finally get a power armour only faction for Kill Team, and it is a thing of beauty. With six operatives, it is on the smaller side compared to teams like Veteran Guard or Pathfinders, but thoughtful play will...

Aeronautica Imperialis Companion – Your Trusty Expansion

This week Thundercloud is reviewing the Aeronautica Imperialis Companion, which contains rules for Eldar Space Marine, and Necron flyers. What's in the book? I’ve finally received my copy of the AI Companion. It’s a 64 page paperback book containing the Eldar,...

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Old Worlders: A Tale of Five Gamers April Update

If you missed the first article then catch up here. It's been a bit over a month and we've...
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