
Battletech Mech Overview: Enforcer

Delving into a medium mech this week, the Mech Overview looks at the Enforcer.

BattleTech: BV and The Code

Howdy and welcome back to BattleTech. Here at Goonhammer, we are huge fans of the Battle Value system for balancing games, as it usually does an alright job of balancing two dissimilar forces against each other. This isn't to...

Hextech Terrain for Battletech Wave 3: The Goonhammer Review

The Hextech line of pre-painted 6mm terrain from Gale Force 9 is expanding, and we're reviewing the most recent releases.

Battletech Mech Overview: Penetrator

This week's Battletech Mech Overview looks at the Penetrator, a Clan-Invasion era heavy mech from the Hansen's Roughriders box.

BattleTech: Mech Overview: Banshee

Howdy and welcome back to Mech Overview. My story with the Banshee begins at a young age, where I rolled a 3E on an RAT and my opponent got a Devastator. He beat my entire ass. From then on...

BattleTech: Mech Overview: Centurion

In this "mech overview we look at three mechs in a trenchcoat - and they all have a mohawk. Welcome to the Centurion.

Goonhammer Historicals: The AdeptiCon Historical Experience, 2024

AdeptiCon 2024 - the best four days in wargaming - has come and gone, and it has reinvigorated me beyond my wildest expectations. I put in a ton of work starting around November, an hour a night or more,...

BattleTech: Mech Overview: Grasshopper

This week's Mech Overview looks at the classic Grasshopper, an old design that still holds up incredibly well.

The Best Year in Gaming: 1984 vs. 1999

Round one of our Best Year in Gaming March Madness bracket continues: 1984 vs. 1999

The Best Year in Gaming: 1984

We look at 1984 and the games released that year and examine its case for being the best year in gaming.