Chain of Command

Goonhammer Historicals: Playing a Chain of Command Campaign Part 2: Let the Battle Begin!

The next in our ongoing series for the Totensonntag Pint-Sized Campaign for Chain of Command, this week we'll play through the first scenario and talk about some of the campaign's asymmetries and how those are captured on the tabletop. Last...

Goonhammer Historicals: Playing a Chain of Command “Pint-Sized Campaign” Part 1: Intro to “Totensonntag”

We here on the Goonhammer Historicals team natter on constantly about how much we love Too Fat Lardies games in general, and I have opined many times in the past about just how much I like Chain of Command...

Goonhammer Historicals: Mugginns’ Days Out At AdeptiCon – Sharp Practice, Chain of Command, Lard America, Bolt Action!

As most wargamers will know, AdeptiCon 2023 took place last week / weekend and it was a great time. Over 6,500 gamers played in 735 events - it certainly felt like the biggest ever, with the parking lot full...

Goonhammer Historicals: The Economics of Printing Rulebooks

Wargames Twitter is a great place to get inspiration, news, and new techniques to use - but it's also a fascinating place to find opinion from leaders in the industry. Recently Richard Clarke of TooFatLardies was opining about printing...

The Soviet Women’s Rifle Brigade – Army Showcase and History

It’s time for something a little different than our regularly scheduled content, a historicals project showcase. This week we’ve got HardyRoach showing off his 28mm Soviet women’s platoon and running down some of the history behind it.  As a historicals...

Goonhammer Historicals: Deployment and Jump Off Points Showcase

Used in many Historicals games, deployment points are a way to show where your force will enter the table - but beyond chits and chips and markers, there's a whole range of cool conversions, scatter terrain and scenery you could be using.

Goonhammer Historicals Roundtable: Running the Perfect Demo Game

Lenoon: Proliferation of scales, rule sets, styles of play, eras and everything else means that more than anyone else in mini gaming, Historicals players need to run good Demo Games. With a new Napoleonics campaign coming up in my...

The Goonhammer Roundtable: State of Historicals in 2021

It's that time of year again - award shows, clip compilations, mascara-dripping fake-crying historical evangelists begging for your dollars to sponsor a grog with a lead pile the size of the Arc de Triomphe. Join our Goon roundtable for...

WW2 On the Eastern Front: The Slovak Fast Division

One of the coolest parts of WW2 gaming is how many different armies, regiments, countries, etc. took part in the fighting. Britain and France had so many different colonial forces. Germany had many different allies (many of them unwilling)....