
Goonhammer Historicals: Victrix T34

Last week I reviewed the Victrix 12mm/1:144 Soviet Infantry, and this week it's the turn of the stalwart workhorse of the Red Army - the T34. Before diving in, we’d like to thank Victrix for sending these over for review. There's...

Blood and Plunder Raise the Black starter Unboxing and Review

If you think about it, pirates have a lot in common with Italians. People who don’t really know anything about either will quickly resort to stereotypical ideas from pop culture, which is usually really embarrassing for the person in...

Goonhammer Historicals: Victrix Soviet Infantry

Victrix Miniatures are well known for their 28mm output - we've covered many of their Medieval, Roman and Napoleonic sets before - but in recent years they've expanded out to a new, exciting range of 12mm WW2 sets. With...

Goonhammer Historicals: Color Modulation and Weathering on Soviet Bolt Action Tanks

I have painted a ton of tanks but until now I've been mostly focusing on the techniques I already knew - washes, sponge weathering, pigments etc. I've been reading a ton of  high level painting magazines and books lately. A lot of the techniques and products being used on 1/35 scale hyper-detailed models...

WW2 Company Commander App Review

WW2 Company Commander is an upcoming augmented reality wargaming app being produced by Digital Wargaming in partnership with Victrix Limited. The app contains a complete rule system and handles all dice rolling, measuring, and score keeping digitally. The app appears...

Goonhammer Historicals: Playing a Chain of Command Campaign Part 5: The Fortunes of War

This week we continue our play-through of the “Totensonntag” Pint-Sized Campaign for Chain of Command. Previous episodes can be found here: Part 1: Introduction to “Totensonntag” Part 2: Let the Battle Begin! Part 3: A Delaying Action Part 4: Flank Attack! In the previous...

Goonhammer Historicals: Wargames Atlantic French Infantry (1916-1940) Review

This week the Goonhammer Historicals crew turned their (somewhat) expert eyes to the French Infantry (1916-1940) plastic kit. This is a versatile kit with a lot of options, so along with a review of the models we’ll take a...

Goonhammer Historicals: Playing a Chain of Command Campaign Part 4: Flank Attack!

This week we continue our play-through of the “Totensonntag” Pint-Sized Campaign for Chain of Command. Previous episodes can be found here: Part 1: Introduction to “Totensonntag” Part 2: Let the Battle Begin! Part 3: A Delaying Action The previous scenario saw the German...

Goonhammer Historicals: Reviewing the Dockside Warehouse from Phalanx Consortium

After seeing the Dockside Warehouse at AdeptiCon a few years ago in the Phalanx Consortium booth I knew I had to have one. Phalanx has been around for a while and attends most of the historical cons - they're a...

Goonhammer Historicals: The Road to HistoriCon 2023

It's summertime and that means the glorious return of steel - loud metal music blasting out of my open car windows, furiously painting pewter minis while marathoning tv shows, and the clash of bayonets at HistoriCon, the USA's largest...