[40k] Competitive Innovations in 10th: Holding Space (Marines) pt.1

The Las Vegas Open ends with a Space Marine showdown in part 1 of Competitive Innovations.

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Content Guides

Warhammer 40K

[40k] Competitive Innovations in 10th: Holding Space (Marines) pt.1

The Las Vegas Open ends with a Space Marine showdown in part 1 of Competitive Innovations.

Age of Sigmar

Hammer of Math: Calculating Expected Values

In this week's Hammer of Math we look at expected values and how to compare weapon profiles and outcomes when applying special rules and modifiers.


A First Look at Magic: The Gathering’s Aetherdrift

With the new Aetherdrift set drawing near, our own Ryan Hay takes us through a sneak peak at what Wizards of the Coast has revealed so far!

Magic the Gathering


How to Paint Everything: Marvel Crisis Protocol – The Tomb of Dracula Terrain Set

In today's MCP How to Paint Everything, brushwizard tackles the massive terrain of the Tomb of Dracula.

[40k] Competitive Innovations in 10th: Holding Space (Marines) pt.1

The Las Vegas Open ends with a Space Marine showdown in part 1 of Competitive Innovations.
