Kitty Sue SheHer

Turn Order’s Gift Guide for Board Gamers This Holiday Season

Hello again, Gamers! It’s that time of year already. Or finally, depending on what kind of year you’ve had. If yours has been anything like mine you’ve been shuffling bills and home repair and family needs and then all...

Sea Salt and Paper: The Beauty of Origami, the Twists of a Card Game — Turn Order

When I sat down with Raina at the Pandasaurus Games Gen Con booth this summer, I was excited because I had heard they were the ones bringing the French card game “Sea Salt and Paper” to the US. I...

Star Wars Unlimited: A Turn Order Gen Con 2023 Close-Up

What do Fantasy Flight Games and Asmodee want you to know about the Star Wars Unlimited TCG? I mean, other than the 2024 release date and the fact that while the components aren’t entirely finalized, what they do have...

Looney Labs and Travel with Fluxx: A Gen Con Interview- Turn Order

Looney Labs is a woman-owned business run by former NASA engineer Kristin Looney with the help of her husband Andy (also a former NASA engineer), who is the creative brain that publishes out all those zany Fluxx titles. The...

CGE at Gen Con: An Interview with Czech Games Edition – Turn Order

I sat down with Nathan Meunier from CGE after working my way through a very long line of hopefuls trying to get a limited early copy of Lost Ruins of Arnak: The Missing Expedition. I wound my way through...

CGE at Gen Con: An Interview with Czech Games Edition – Turn Order

I sat down with Nathan Meunier from CGE after working my way through a very long line of hopefuls trying to get a limited early copy of Lost Ruins of Arnak: The Missing Expedition. I wound my way through...

Gen Con: Everything, Everywhere, All at Once – Turn Order

Games, RPGs, Dice, and more! Our intrepid contributor KittySue braved the crowds of GenCon. Over the coming weeks we'll hear from her about the sights and sounds of one of the most important tabletop conventions in the world. In...

AEG’s Rolling Heights: The Sky’s the Limit! -Turn Order

It's hard to imagine that just over a century ago, our nation was just starting to go from mostly dirt roads and buggies to pavement and city skyscrapers. And yet looking at photographs from the modernization of America's large...

How to Paint Everything: Frosthaven Deathwalker and Drifter

Welcome back to our continued Frosthaven coverage! In Part 1 of this HTPE series we painted the Boneshaper and Banner Spear, and we also shared an article on using new Army Painter Speed Paints to tackle a pile of...

How to Paint Everything: Frosthaven Boneshaper and Banner Spear

Here are two starting characters from the epic adventure of Frosthaven, designed by Isaac Childres and published by Cephalofair Games. The first, the Boneshaper, will be shown with very specific, detailed steps for beginners. The Banner Spear will have...

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Warhammer The Old World – January FAQ 2025

January has seen the newest installment of the FAQs for Warhammer the Old World; Liam_Jordan runs through and highlight the key amendments which have been made.
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