Games Industry News Roundup- January 21st, 2025

We're back looking at the week that was in Tuesday's news roundup.

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Warhammer 40K

Goonhammer Presents Fury of da Beast: Ork Horde Mode

Last year I put out the unofficial Warhammer 40,000 cooperative play supplement for Tyranid slaughtering, Fury of the Swarm. I was pleasantly surprised both by its reception, and by the immediate clamouring for a follow up with other armies. Orks were comfortably the most requested. It makes sense; they’re Warhammer 40,000’s original horde, so it’s only right they should have a horde mode. Two weeks from now, the open beta will begin. Today’s post is a behind the scenes preview to (hopefully) whet the appetite. Let the kimono parting begin! Explainer: What’s...

Age of Sigmar

Hammer of Math: Calculating Expected Values

In this week's Hammer of Math we look at expected values and how to compare weapon profiles and outcomes when applying special rules and modifiers.


Magic the Gathering Commander Focus: Mr. Torture Throws Pain (The Lord of Pain)

This Commander deck leans heavily into the Rakdos Punisher archetype, turning your opponents taking game actions into damage before doubling up that damage and bringing the game to a swift conclusion.

Magic the Gathering


How to Paint Everything: Marvel Crisis Protocol – The Tomb of Dracula Terrain Set

In today's MCP How to Paint Everything, brushwizard tackles the massive terrain of the Tomb of Dracula.

Goonhammer Presents Fury of da Beast: Ork Horde Mode

Last year I put out the unofficial Warhammer 40,000 cooperative play supplement for Tyranid slaughtering, Fury of the Swarm. I was pleasantly surprised both by its reception, and by the immediate clamouring for a follow up with other armies. Orks were comfortably the most requested. It makes sense; they’re Warhammer 40,000’s original horde, so it’s only right they should have a horde mode. Two weeks from now, the open beta will begin. Today’s post is a behind the scenes preview to (hopefully) whet the appetite. Let the kimono parting begin! Explainer: What’s Cooperative Gaming? This is where the players combine their Warhammer armies...
