How to Paint Hive Fleet Jormungandr – Skails’ Method

This article is part of a larger series on How to Paint Tyranids. To return to that series, click here.

This scheme is based on the color and pattern of a black and yellow garden spider (argiope aurantia). It’s been pointed out that there is a close resemblance to the bugs in Starship Troopers as well! It’s also pretty close to the Jormungandr theme in Codex: Tyranids. I’ve done this as a test model for a potential kill team.

The Carapace Plates and Blades

The pattern was drawn in with black.

(Left) Vallejo Bronze Fleshtone was used to fill in pattern. This paint is kind of thin so it took three or so layers to get decent coverage. It was still a little splotchy but that texture will be nice.

(Middle) My burnt umber ink mix (1:1 ink to matte medium + drop of flow improver) was watered down a bit and stippled on the lower edges of the yellow segments (any medium brown or contrast wyldewood could sub). Scale 75 Hyek Yellow was used to highlight the top edges of the yellow segments.

(Right) The blades had thinned black paint painted on the ends, then a second smaller layer on the very ends. Finally a stipple of black into the yellow part.

The Dark Skin

Black was painted on the torso and outer arm segments.

(Left) Vallejo Model Color Basalt Grey was mixed with a bit of Model Color Prussian Blue for a chunky highlight on the black.

(Middle) Vallejo Game Color Stonewall Grey with a bit of the previous mix was used for brighter spot highlights.

(Right) Black washed into cracks and recesses. I used diluted black ink, but any watered down black would work. (This same process was done to the edges of the carapace plates and teeth too). If you want something closer to the Codex Jormungandr look, then skip the next part and just go with black skin.

Grey Skin

Stonewall Grey was painted on the inner arm segments, tail, and face.

(Left) This was highlighted with Vallejo Game Color Dead White.

(Middle) Citadel Druchii Violet thinned with Citadel Lahmian Medium was washed into the lower facing recesses, then straight Druchii was stippled on ends of the grey segments. (Right).

The Gun

Citadel Screamer pink was used for the basecoat, and Bronze Fleshtone for the rounded bits. (Top) Druchii Violet was washed all over. (Second) Citadel Pink Horror as a broad highlight on upward facing angles. (Third) Citadel Emperors Children used for spot highlights. (Bottom) (Same process for tongue). The tube on side of gun was painted with Pink Horror, then short lines of Emperors Children across top angles.

Tyranid Warrior. Credit: Skails

This article is part of a larger series on How to Paint Tyranids. To return to that series, click here.