Horus Heresy

Bair’s Hobby Year in Review

Hi, my name is Bair and I play too many games. I've even painted them too this time (this is a drastic personal change from me pre-Covid times). The games that I did play this year include: Titanicus (you...

Horus Heresy: Building Rites of War (Generic)

Welcome back to our ongoing series for aspiring Praetors. In the first of a new miniseries we're building on the list building concepts outlined in our Horus Heresy Tactica articles and getting to the details. Today we'll be looking...

Horus Heresy Tactica: List Building Part 3

In this week’s final instalment of our list building mini series we look at skew lists: what they are, how they work, why they're a problem and how to deal with them.

Horus Heresy Tactica: List Building Part 2

This week in Horus Heresy Tactica we're taking a look at evaluating unit roles and how they influence list choices.

Hammer of Math: Horus Heresy Land Raiders and Lascannons

This week's Hammer of Math answers a question that Bair has been wondering about Horus Heresy: how many lascannons does it take to get to the Space Marine center of a Land Raider? Back in July I did an article...

Model Review: Scorpius Missile Tank

This week the Scorpius Missile Tank goes up for preorder. Games Workshop sent us a preview copy to paint up, and I had a good time painting it for my Imperial Fists.

Horus Heresy Tactica: List Building Part 1

This week in Horus Heresy Tactica we look at considerations you should take while playing smaller games.

The March to Terra: Goonhammer Paints the Heresy, Part 5

  It’s month five of the March to Terra. Some Legions overflow with recruits, while others struggle to press any Marines they can into service as the Warmaster draws nearer. You can check out parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 here to...

Horus Heresy Tactica: Transports

This week in Horus Heresy Tactica we dive into how best to use your transports.

The Horus Heresy Legion Focus: Death Guard

A favorite of Traitor warlords, the Death Guard are tough, relentless, and brutal. Dive into all their options.